"Killer? I have an idea, but it's really stupid..." You commented, prompting Killer to begrudgingly perk up from his place.
"I want to detach Papyrus from Dust." The moment those words left your mouth, an expression formed on Killer's skull that you'd never seen on him before. He looked completely dumbfounded and confused, but overall as oddly amused?
"Oh my god, you are so much stupider than I thought..." He laughed. He closed his eyes to take in a deep breath, clasping his hands together which he held over his mouth.
"What's so stupid about me wanting to help my friend?" You retorted, mildly offended.
"Oh, maybe just the tiny fact that he will literally go insane if you did that?!" Killer explained, the sarcastic flair in his voice making its quick return. "And in case you haven't noticed, we're all pretty high up on those charts as it is."
"Papyrus is nothing but harmful to Dust and you know that. I would think that maybe you'd at least tried to help him...!" You argued, placing the small jars onto the counter with a little too much force. Thankfully, the glass didn't shatter.
"Do you really think we haven't tried already?? Hell, even Nightmare's tried. What makes you think that a pathetic little ghost like you can pull this off?" Killer scoffed at your comment, tossing the chocolate wrapper from his hand away during his anger.
"What did you try last time?" You asked. Although it sounded like you were being aggressive, you were genuinely curious. Besides, it wasn't your fault that Killer was such a sharky, sarcastic bastard 24/7.
"I dont fucken remember– exorcisms probably??" Killer replied in a confused manner, squinting his eyes and holding his hands out to express himself further.
"Look, fucking with Dust is not something I feel particularly hyped to do right now..." He admitted, shoving his hands into the pockets of his white shorts.
"Also, his wrath was difficult enough the first time, do you really expect me to handle that again?" Killer questioned. You had no idea what Dust was like the previous time they'd done something like this, so you had no idea how you shoulder.
"He was so easily triggered... You have no idea how hard it is to not be an asshole." Killer's noise level lulled to a whisper as he leaned over the table between you a little more. You rolled your eyes, unsurprised that all Killer was worried about was how long he could be a decent person for before he'd break.
"Yes, I'm aware how impossible that is for you..." You narrowed your eyes, a sarcastic smile pulling at the corners of your mouth.
The conversation after that fell silent, although you weren't complaining. The break gave you a moment to think about your decision more thoroughly. You'd had the idea on your mind of getting rid of Papyrus but when it came to the execution, you weren't sure how to proceed... You'd hoped that maybe these items would help you, but you weren't even sure how to use them in the first place!
Killer did mention an exorcism though... Maybe you could try that again.
"Didn't you say you performed an exorcism?" You asked for confirmation, breaking the silence. Killer rolled his head back with a groan.
"Nah, we did some hocus pocus bullshit," Killer replied with the fakest smile you'd seen all night. "Yes, dumbass."
"Well from what Horror told me, Papyrus' spirit is attached to Dust. He's not possessing him." You clarified, trying your hardest to recount the conversation you and Horror had.
As far as you were aware, exorcisms were to expel a spirit from the host it was possessing. Since Papyrus wasn't possessing Dust, that procedure would do nothing to the situation.

The Haunting of Collimore Manor || Murder Trio x Reader
FanfictionY/N Collimore, a deceased mage that now haunts her family's manor must now deal with a group of skeletal intruders as she unlocks more of her forgotten past. The only thing is, these intruders don't seem to be leaving any time soon... Wordcount...