The One With The Fight To Protect New York

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Shredder walked away from the ledge of the building and back over towards the computer, setting the toxin to release in five minutes. NYPD showed up at the bottom of Sacks tower, creating perimeters around the building because of the falling debris.

    "Come on, guys!" Raph yelled.

Leo swung Donnie back and forth, and let go. His body flew through the air upward just as the last bolt released from the metal railing. Raph grunted as he reached out for Donnie's outstretched staff, Leo's arm stretching out to grab Donnie's foot again. The bar fell away from the building and Raph grabbed them just in time.


Using the momentum they already had going, Raph swung the staff forward with a yell. Forcing Donnie and Leo up to the rooftop once more. Mikey scaled the building carefully, managing to get back up. Shredder charged backwards towards the turtles as they landed on their feet and they began to fight with him. He quickly kicked Donnie and Leo in separate directions. Charging back at Leo with his bladed hand ready to strike his chest. The Shredder's hand moved down downwards him, Leo winced preparing for the pain, but quickly looked up hearing a clashing of blades instead. Raphael jumped from the edge of the building just in the nick of time.

Crossing his blade with Shredder's and saving his brother from a terrible fate. Raph pushed the blades away from Leo and began trying to take on Shredder again. Raph was knocked away and Shredder reached down grabbing Leonardo's ankle, flipping him further away. He grunted as his body hit the ground again. Still determined, he got back to his feet and picked up his blade. They went at each other, and Leo nearly had the upper hand, until Shredder threw him over towards the edge of the building again. Where each of his brothers groaned from their spots beside him.

    "Enough. This lesson is over." Shredder growled as he walked back towards the computer set up.

    "Oh, we're getting our asses kicked out there!" Raph grunted, sitting up.

    "We only got 50 more seconds before the toxin is released." Leo groaned.

    "Hey!" Mikey's eye lit up as he got an idea. "Who wants to play buck-buck?"

    "Buck-buck?" Raph growled.

    "What?" Leo scoffed.

    "Tony-on-a-pony." Donnie groaned and winced while sitting forward. "Some people call it Johnnie-on-a-rock."

    "Wait." Leo grinned. "Yeah. Let's play buck-buck."

    "But why would we...?" Donnie tried to ask, but Raph put his hand up, silencing him.

    "No. We do what Leo says." Raph agreed, surprising all the brothers. But making them all smile at one another. Raph turned and looked at Leo, and put out his fist. "Lead the way." He said and they fist bumped.


I sat at the edge of the station table, waiting for Sacks to move closer towards us. April, got to her feet in a crouch, ready to run. Sack's raised the gun at us and Vern grabbed a microscope. Big, heavy, and metal.

    "O'Neil!" Vern shouted.

April and I both jumped up from our spots. A wave of purple covered in front of me like a shield. The gun shot bounced off it and April ran towards the button. Sacks turned towards Vern and let out another bullet, but missed. April pressed the button and the extinguishing system came on down from the ceiling. I forced the shield forward and pushed Sacks body directly under one of the streams. He yelled out and ducked as the harsh blast of air rained down on him.

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