12: Learning to family

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Gabriele POV.

I hadn't seen Eli since the morning when we split up, and I was growing more and more anxious every minute. I had spent the whole day worrying about how they were doing and if they needed help with anything. I checked my phone every two seconds and had to talk myself out of calling them every fifteen minutes, which got really annoying for my friends.

Finally, I saw them in the cafeteria sitting with some kids in their grade. I wanted to go over, but Ethan grabbed my ark and sat me down. They were smiling, which was good, and even laughing with the kids. At least everything seemed to be going okay.

Ethan had been my best friend for a long time, so he was obviously the first one to know about Eli. I grew to soon regret that decision. The whole day he was like an overly energetic puppy jumping around and constantly asking me when he was going to meet them. Once I had to actually push them to the lockers when he was getting too in my face about it.

When school ended I was waiting at the car with Ethan by my side, since he still woulnd't stop nagging me. I knew I had been talking a lot about Eli since we found out they were, you know, alive, but Ethan was on a whole other level. He had been an honorary member of our family ever since I met him, so I guess it was understandable but still annoying.

After about ten minutes, Eli walked through the doors with some guy that had black hair up to his shoulders. I recognized him, but couldn't remember his name. I used to go out with his big sister, but I hardly remembered her name anymore, so I guess it was acceptable, that I woulnd't remember her little brother.

As soon as Eli noticed us, she waved happily, making me grin from ear to ear. They looked like a little kid on their first day of school and in a way, that's what they were. They had completely missed middleschool and highschool up until then, so it must have been weird being back in school after so many years of homeschooling. 

"Hey, I'm Ethan your brothers cool best friend," Ethan said, as Eli got to the car.

I rolled my eyes and elbowed him in the side, earning a groan from him and a chuckle from Eli.

"Hi I'm Eli. You have a very orange aura," Eli said reaching for Ethan's hand to shake, which he took but I could see his brain trying to process what li had just said.

I could see Ethan freezing in his spot, but I was more interested in the happy little glint in El's eye. It looked like they had a good day.

"Cool...?" Ethan said only waking up from his trance when Eli was already sitting in the car.

"So, how was your first day? I saw you hanging out with some other kids at lunch," I asked as we drove home.

"Please don't say kids like I'm four," Eli whined throwing their head back.

"Also, were you spying on me?" they continued throwing a hand over their heart.

I just chuckled slightly, knowing that I, in fact, was spying on them.

"It was nice. I made some new friends and caught up on school. I got some materials from the teachers so that I can study the stuff I missed," Eli said looking back at the road.

"Are your new friends nice?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow leaning over to them.

Eli just laughed at my expression and answered:

"Yeah, they're cool. I'm not friends with people who aren't nice."

"By the way, you definitely left an impression on Ethan," I laughed still not over Ethan's responce.

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