Twenty Six

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The trio walked through Tokyo, looking around. They stopped for a bite to eat. "This place is a dead end." Letty said, handing them their bowls.

"Thank you." Rae said, opening her chopsticks. "You don't know that yet."

"You think Jakob could be onto the Han connection?" Mia asked.

"If he has all the information we do, probably." She answered.

"I never told Dom...I stayed in touch with him for a while after what happened." Mia confessed.

"That's only natural." Rae shrugged. "He is your brother, after all."

"He was over at Buddy's for about a year, and then...he was gone with a message not to follow. But after he disappeared, I was so desperate to find him that I would've...would've done anything. I even broke into a police archive, but I didn't find anything."

"You what?" Letty asked. "You were like 16."

"I did what I had to do." Mia answered.

"Yeah." Letty replied.

"How about you?" Mia asked. "How are you doing? It's a change of pace, huh?"

"You could say that again." Rae agreed.

"Just as I was remembering...who I was, everything changed. It slowed down." Letty answered. "There's peace for me in the chaos. It's like I...I need to face the world head-on or something to feel alive. Seeing Little Brian hiding in a hole because we had unexpected company...that got to me. We never used to hide."

"Hey, Dom's my brother, but you will always be my sister. You too, Rae."

"Funny how we all have secrets." Letty replied.

"How's Eric, Rae?" Mia turned to her. "I didn't see much of him before I left."

"He's doing good. He's happy he got to sit this one out, have some bonding time with Angie and Brian."

"That's great." Mia nodded. "What?" She asked, noticing the change in Letty's expression.

"You gotta be kidding me." They followed her gaze.

"What is it?" Mia asked.

"Remember what Han used to say about Tokyo?" Letty asked.

"You mean how in all the old Westerns, cowboys would make a run for the border to get away from the law how Tokyo was his..."

"Mexico." Letty finished, pointing up at the flag.

"No way." Mia gasped.

They made their way through the apartment. "Hey, Letty? Rae?"

"Yeah." They both answered.

"Look at this." Mia held a picture in her hand.

"What the hell?" Letty asked. It was Han sitting beside a girl.

"Han never mentioned a girl, not ever." Mia said. The girl from the picture entered the room.

"Letty, Mia, Regan! Down, now!" She exclaimed, holding a baton. A man with a gun made his way in then, the girls ducking. The girl was kicking his ass, throwing him into a table as another man walked in. The trio watched as she handled herself. Mia stopped another gunman from shooting Letty. Letty stood up then, getting up on the couch to jump kick him. Regan got out of her corner, ready to join when needed. He fell into the table, breaking it as another gunman walked in. They girl used her baton to push his gun away, kicking him into the wall as Letty stopped another. Another man entered to room, Regan hitting him with the door before kicking him into the wall. She hit the gun from his hand before she kneed him in the face repetitively. Mia broke glass over the head of another, him picking her up to slam her into the wall before she used a pan to smack him. They were getting ganged up on pretty bad by the four remaining men, each girl fighting for herself the best she could. The tv was broken then, clean dishes all over the floor, and holes in the walls. To add to it all, Letty grabbed one, sending them both out of the window. Outside, there were gunshots.

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