Chapter 41: Not what You wanted to hear

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You and Severus have been married officially for a month. Things have been great, and this has been better than you could have ever hoped for..

It was just after feast and you and Severus had retired for the night. You sat in bed reading one of your books while Severus was in the shower.. Suddenly you got a really bad stomach cramp... you and Severus hadn't talked about kids... You don't take any contraceptive, and y'all have had a lot of sex.. Maybe you should go see Madam Pomfrey and just get checked..

He walks out of the bathroom and crawls in bed beside you, he wraps an arm around your stomach and pulls you in..

You close your book and look him in the eyes..

I need to talk about something with you, it's not bad but we never discussed it because we were excited about getting married..

He sets his head on your chest and you run your fingers through his hair...

Severus, we have had a lot of sex... and I don't do anything to combat that, you know that right..

"Yes dear.. where are you going with this?"

Would you be ok with it if I did get pregnant?

"well, if I was worried about that I would have done something wouldn't I?" He says as his hand roam your arms..

You smile and kiss the top of his head.. I love you..

His eyes have been closed and he musts be drifting off to sleep.. you write a note and send it off to Madam Pomfrey...


You wake up the next morning covered in blood, Severus had ran you some water to shower while you pulled the sheets off to replace them.. He hung some eucalyptus in the shower, letting the aroma fill the room..

You slide in, a little sad that you weren't pregnant... but it is ok...

You slide on a black flowy dress and a denim jacket.. Severus is sliding on his shoes when you walk out of the bathroom.. As you go to the closest to grab your shoes he comes over and grabs you by the waist and plants a kiss on your cheek..

"I love you dear, I will come by and check on you later.."

He let's go and walks out of the room... You grab your things and head to your office first..

You take your papers and lay them out with your plans for today.. And make your way to the hospital wing.. You walk in and are happily greeted by Madam Pomfrey..

"Hello my dear!" She comes out excited to see you..

"Is everything ok? It didn't say what you specifically wanted to be looked at."

Well, with me and Severus now being together.. We talked recently about kids, and we aren't using any protection or anything... I was just wanting to know if you could check my health.. uh female wise...

She nods her head, "Come sit" She pats the bed...

You lay back on the bed and she closes her eyes and hovers her hands over your body...

This takes several minutes, then when she gets done she takes some of your blood..

She walks away with her clipboard and leaves you there in Silence.. This silence sends you in a dizzy... Is there something wrong with me?

She comes back in and sits down beside you and grabs your hand...

"Your body isn't producing a lot of hormones, and it seems that your eggs die pretty easy... While it isn't impossible for you to get pregnant, it won't be easy..."

You take a deep breath...taking in the news that it is going to be harder to get pregnant than you expected...

She hands you a bottle of like greens? "If you take this every day, it will increase your chances of conception.." She says with love in her eyes....

Thank you... you say gripping the bottle...

She hugs you and sends you on your way....

You walk back to your office, and as soon as the door closes you drop to the floor... While your chances aren't zero.. It still hurts to know there is something wrong with you... You clutch the bottle she gave you to your chest and you begin to sob....

You hear what sounds like running coming from the hall and you turn your head towards the door.. and as soon you turn Severus busts through the door..

You begin to cry even more as he takes you in his arms..

"What's wrong beautiful?"

I'm broken Severus... If I am broken there is no reason for you to stay with me..

"Dear, just because something is broken doesn't mean it has no worth? Please give me more details so I know what is wrong.." He strokes your hair away from your face while looking into your eyes.

The chances of us having a child are small.. my body doesn't produce a lot of hormones and my eggs die quickly..

"Do you know what I hear?" he says while cupping your face "I just hear we get to try harder" He brings you in for a kiss,,

"We will have a baby, and it will be perfect.. You are perfect, I love you my darling"

You curl up to him even more and he smiles... "We can get to work as soon as possible.."

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