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"What is it?" I asked a little too harshly as I landed before the Dark Lord and some of his most prized posse. He chuckled at me softly before he responded.

"A bit on edge there, Princess." He whispered. His attitude was through the roof. This was everything he had waited on all these years. The opportunity to finally kill the boy who lived was upon us.

Most death eaters hadn't arrived to the scene yet, but I wasn't shocked when I saw those that stood by his side on the mountain top overlooking the school. Bellatrix. Greyback. My parents. The Malfoy's. Dolohov. Yaxley. Some I didn't even recognize, though I had a feeling that I wouldn't know 80% of the faces that appeared for the Dark Lord tonight.

"I'm sorry, My Lord. I just want to go back to the castle to fight. Potter asked for time. McGonagall is securing the castle as we speak." I huffed out, my anxiety rising as I begged to return to Hogwarts.

"He wants a diadem. It's hidden away in the castle. The room of requirement to be exact. Retrieve it for me, love." The dark lord ordered, no smile on his face any longer. These weren't game now.

"Okay. Yeah, I can do that. No problem." I confirmed with him, convincing myself that I was capable of it more so than I was trying to convince him.

"Perfect." He snickered. I could hear commotion happening at the school behind me, realizing I needed to leave soon.

I rushed over to my parents, hugging both of them tightly. I gave a quick hug to both of the Malfoy's as well, though Lucius wasn't as comforting as the other 3 had been.

"I love you. I need to get back. Draco's waiting." I panted, looking between all of their eyes. Narcissa's filled with worry as she nodded her head. She knew I'd watch out for him, and she didn't like the idea of us being separated for too long. I'd keep him from doing something stupid and getting himself killed.

"Please, be careful," my mother huffed before she pulled me into her grasp again. My father joined us, hugging us both in his larger arms. I nodded understandingly before I backed up. I could see a shield forming over the castle, meaning I had to go now.

I apparated myself towards the school, slipping past a slight hole in the barrier and zooming through an open window in one of the corridors. I crash landed against one of the walls from the drastic speed I was traveling at, causing me to moan and groan as I rolled on the floor.

I placed my hands down on the cold stone floor and slowly pushed myself up, praying I hadn't really hurt myself before the war had truly even started.

"You are the clumsiest, most accident-prone person I have ever met." Draco's voice said in my head from memory, followed by his sweet laugh.

If there was one thing I knew, I'd do anything to protect him tonight. Even these crazy expected tasks from the Dark Lord himself.

Students were shoving through the corridors frantically, trying to figure out where they wished to go for safety. Thankfully for all the commotion and the robes I still wore, I blended right in with all the other students. No one batted an eye at me as I walked past, even after just watching me leave the great hall and reveal my true identity to them.

As a death eater.

I was far from the main staircase, and I knew that my best bet here was to get back to the center of the castle first. Who even knew if Harry knew where the diadem was truly located, but I did. I pushed past students, trying my best to flow with the crowd.

I was hardly even seeing anyone I knew. The most random of students surrounded me like a swarm, their voices drowning out any thoughts I may have had. I was just as frazzle brained as the rest of them, trying to figure out what I wanted to do.

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