Title: Broken Repair (Larry Stylinson)
Author: pretzelsncake
Time: 4h 51m (23 chapters)
Description: Louis lives in London, England with his best friend Michael. He is who he is, and thats loud, cheeky and fun. And did I mention he was gay?He's covered in tattoos and curses a lot. Getting over a horrible break up, Louis is struggling. But what happens when Michael befriends the boy band One Direction, and brings them to their apartment?
A good fics to read if you enjoy enemies to lovers. At first Harry's a bit of a dick not going to lie but he does gets better. I often doesn't think this about fics but I feel like this was the perfect length, like sometimes story's just drag on but this one didn't. The end few chapters are cute.
Larry Stylinson wattpad recommendations
FanfictionThe title is pretty self explanatory :) But this will include: -title -author - time it takes to read - how many chapters there is - wether it's finishe - smut or not - Tw (may be in the comments if it ruins the plot) -description - my opinion ...