[Start Of Season 1] #1-5

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The story starts with Gumball on the couch watching television in his underwear, while Nicole is folding laundry by the front door. "Gumball, don't forget to take that DVD back today, or we'll get a fine."

Gumball scoffs, "Can't you do it? You're the one with the car."

Nicole replied, "I wasn't the one who watched Alligators on a Train seventy-two times."

Gumball fired back, "Ah! But technically, you rented it with your money."

Nicole started to get annoyed, "The money I have to go and earn to feed you kids!"

"The kids you decided to have." Nicole punches a hole in the door. "Yep! No problem, Mom, I'll take it back!"

Nicole carries the laundry basket, "Oh, very kind of you, honey. And don't forget to put on some pants. Bye-bye."

Gumball walks into the kitchen, where Darwin is cutting a pizza using a DVD, "Darwin, have you seen that DVD anywhere? I— Darwin! What are you doing?!"

Darwin smiled, "I'm using the pizza cutter."

"That's not the pizza cutter! That's the DVD! Oh, gimme that!" Gumball grabs the DVD, "Aw, man, you really have to be careful with these things. [Wipes the DVD with a sponge] The slightest scratch, and they're ruined... forever!"

Darwin notices a mistake, "Uh, Gumball..."

Gumball shuts it down, "Ap-ap-ap. I am fed up with your carelessness, Darwin. This disc utilizes laser technology. You have to treat it with respect."

"Says the one using the wrong side of the sponge." a voice rang out as a dark pink rabbit appeared with a tiny pink tail. He has a elongated head, as well as elongated eyes. The inside of his mouth is dark pink, and his tongue is light pink. He seems to have a tiny fang, while his nose is red. Along with has three short black whiskers on both sides of his face, the boy had long rabbit ears. Gumball looked at his older brother confused before he looked down.

Gumball screams, accidentally throwing the DVD into the garbage disposal and grinding it up. Gumball starts crying, "No! Nooo! What are we gonna do?!"

Y/n raised an eyebrow, "'we?' What do you mean 'we'?"

Gumball winced, "I may or may have not told Mom that you were excited for the movie in order to get it."

Y/n was unamused and he pinched his forehead. "Fine, fine, we can figure this out. Let's just-..."

Darwin questioned, "Face the consequences of our actions and tell Mom?"

Y/n raised an eyebrow, "what? Are you crazy?"

Gumball nodded, "yeah, Darwin. Don't be silly. I've got a much better idea."

In front of Laser Video, Gumball puts a cardboard replica of the discovery into the DVD case. "There. You can make anything with cardboard, and no one will notice the difference."

Y/n crossed his arms with a smirk, he had a black jacket over a light pink shirt, black pants and a pink and blue ring on one of his fingers. "I hardly believe that."

Darwin agreed, "yeah, it looks kind of obvious."

"Man, you say that, but I lost my trousers three weeks ago, and still, no one's noticed." Gumball walks away awkwardly in cardboard pants.

Darwin follows, "Everyone's noticed that walk, though."

Gumball asked, "Really?"

Darwin nodded, "You look like you went to the bathroom in a spacesuit."

"It's just that nobody knows how to ask you about it." Y/n followed soon after.

Later-At the Wattersons' house, Gumball and Y/n are lying on the couch watching TV. Y/n looks at Gumball, "do you mind moving your tail?"

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