Vampire Protection Program

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I was about to tell the guys about the billboard I saw while we were on the highway. I was about to walk up to David when he said "Okay everyone, meeting" I went and say down by Dwayne and he out his arm around me. "Okay, now that we are in our new location, no one can know who we are, especially you Sylvia." I nodded as David continued talking. "So when we go out into public Sylvia will need a new name so we don't risk anyone recognizing her. From now until we return to Santa Carla, your new name Sylvia is going to be Jessica Smith." Oh god, I absolutely hate the name Jessica, but whatever keeps me safe. "Also, whenever we go into public make sure one of us is with her at all times." David said putting emphasis on "at all times." "I don't want you guys to be running away all the time just because of me." I said. "I think I should turn myself in." They all looked at me like I was crazy. "We all stick together no matter what. You don't have to do anything except keep your head down. We don't need bad attention." David said. We all were about to leave to go out to the town when Dwayne walked over to me. "Why would you want to turn yourself in?" he asked. "So you guys don't have to constantly worry about me all the time." I answered. "We worry so much because we all love you." I smiled. "Let's go." I said. All of us left the cave and got right back on the motorcycles. While we were riding through town I kept my face close to Dwayne's back so it was hard to see it. We stopped by some surf shop because David wanted me to get some "accessories" so I don't look so much like me. I went in a bought a bandanna, a pair of reading glasses, and some ponytails. When we left the store I put my hair up in a ponytail and put the glasses on. Then I tied the bandanna around my forehead. "Okay, good you don't like Sylvia anymore. You look like Jessica Smith." David said as he winked at me. Dwayne put his arm around me and said "You look beautiful no matter what." I smiled and we started walking back to our motorcycles.

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