Season 3 Chapter 8: Remedy

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'I have a suprise!' Iris yelled as she entered the apartment room.

'Hey Ice, what'd you doing here?' Mina asked.

'You sound like my aunt during Chinese New Year' Jaylee remarked earning a elbow punch by Sierra.

'My dad talked with Aanya, the team leader. She was impressed with my skills so SHE'S ADDING ME BACK INTO THE GROUP' Iris squealed.

'That's awesome Iris!' Sheila said.
'Yeah, looks like the Mynx are back im business' Sierra said as they all hugged.

Harper smiled from the sidelines before her phone started ringing and she went to her room to take the call.

Xyla sees this before checking up on her.

'Xy, what are you doing?' Dahlyn said as she turns to Xyla putting her ear onto the door.

'Shhh! I'm eavesdropping' Xyla replied back.

'Remember when we were like that?' Mina said.

'I'm pretty sure we still are' Jaylee snarkily responded.

Before Xyla knew it, she was flung across the room due to the sudden door open.

'GUYS! AMAZING NEWS!' Harper shouted as she slammed the door open.

The girls all stare at Xyla in shock as Harper turned to look at their direction.

'Oops, sorry Xy' Harper said as she scratches the back of her head.

'That's ok' Xyla said still lying on the ground giving them a thumbs up.

'So what's the good news Harper?' Iris said.

'NOT GOOD! AMAZING EXACTLY!' Harper yelled causing the girls to cover their ears.

'Oh my Silva, I think I may have gone deaf' Jaylee said.

'Hehe sorry, it's just I am so excited!' Harper exclaimed.

'So what's the amazing news'? Sheila asked with curiosity.

'My wing remedy potion is almost ready! It's just we need to bring the stuff to Necromix because Xavier set up his new shop there' Harper said while reading off her phone.

'This is so exciting, finally we don't have to carry you anymore' Sierra said as she sighs in relief.

Mina high fived Sierra's hand in the process.

'Hey! What's that supposed to mean?' Harper asked.

'Well, it's just.....' Mina stepped in.

'Ok enough, before we start arguing again' Xyla said ending the conversation.

'So should we go now or.....' Dahlyn wondered.

'YES, NOW!' Harper exclaimed.

'Well then, what are we waiting for?' Xyla said.

Xyla summons her portal in front of her as they all jumped in.


'Hmmm, Harper's wing potion huh?' Nysa said to her crystal ball.

'I better steal it since she's the only member who can't fly' Nysa stated.

'But I might earn one of those Mynx members another transformation' Nysa doubted herself.

'I need someone competent but also not as smart as me' Nysa said.

'The Wizards of Deverox! They should help me' Nysa said as she swipes her crystal ball.

'Wizards! Where are you!?' Nysa exclaimed.

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