Here's my take on the 30 day otp writing challenge
I used a different one than most people do, so here it is-
Day 1: Getting Lost Somewhere (Fluff)
Day 2: Pet Names (Fluff)
Day 3: Patching Each Other Up (Fluff)
Day 4: Hospital Visits (Slight Angst-Fluff)
Day 5: Scar Worships (Geno Angst-Fluff)
Day 6: Making Fun of One Another (Fluff)
Day 7: A Death of Someone Close (Angst)
Day 8: Sleeping In (Fluff)
Day 9: Hugging (Fluff)
Day 10: Watching the Other Sleep (Fluff)
Day 11: Drawing Each Other (Fluff)
Day 12: Having a Lazy Day (Fluff)
Day 13: In a Fairytale (Fluff)
Day 14: Geeking Out Over Something (Fluff)
Day 15: Teaching Each Other How to do Something (Fluff)
Day 16: Needing Each Other (Slight Angst-Fluff)
Day 17: Washing Something (Fluff/Slightly Suggestive)
Day 18: One of Them is Sick (Fluff)
Day 19: Spoiling One Another (Fluff)
Day 20: Shopping Together (Fluff)
Day 21: Buying Flowers for the Other (Fluff)
Day 22: Competing (Fluff)
Day 23: Being Old Together (Fluff)
Day 24: Dealing With Children (Fluff)
Day 25: Trying to Seduce One Another (Fluff-Failed Suggestive)
Day 26: Interacting With Family Members (Fluff)
Day 27: Moving In Together (Fluff)
Day 28: Falling In Love (Fluff)
Day 29: Doing Chores Around the House (Fluff)
Day 30: Pillow Talk (Fluff)Some will take place in the past (Day(s) 2, 22, possibly 24 26, 27, 28)
Or in the future ( Day(s) 23 Possibly 24)
Or present time (Literally any of them that isn't labeled above-)
So yeah- some of these might change, I'm not definite on some of them-
I'll try to update every day, since that's what the challenge asks for
Enjoy reading!
AfterDeath 30 Day Challenge
FanfictionJust a 30 day writing challenge of one of my OTP's- !! C A U T I O N !! Might be cussing (Most likely will be-) Most of these will probably be around 500-600 words long, with a few exceptions Basic AfterDeath relationship-