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Fuck, she thought, I don't know how to shift back. Will I just be stuck as a bunny? She began chewing on her lip it was a nervous habit she had all her life and apparently it didn't go away once she became a rabbit. How do I let Jin know I don't know how to do this? It's not like I can open my mouth and talk him. She had seen the others talking to each in their other forms before but she didn't know how that worked. She would have asked before this moment but she never thought the sickos would ever successfully make her a hybrid she thought she would eventually die in an experiment gone wrong. Well surprise I was wrong she thought.

What do I do? Her foot began to thump involuntarily. "'s ok don't stress. We don't have enough time to teach you right now. We are busting out of here tonight Y/N." She turned her shocked face towards Namjoon. You better be serious she thought herself. As soon that thought entered her head she watched Jin shift and crawl up into the ductwork. As a heart attack. She heard noise in the ceiling that she had to be Jin. When he dropped down outside of the cages she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. 

She had never meant to become so close to this hybrid pack, after all it was a hybrid's fault she was in this mess to begin with. She had recently met a new friend in the form of a fox hybrid. She had been so excited to finally make a friend that she never suspected a thing. The fox, Nayla, lured her with the promise of introducing her to her friends only to hand her over to the lab. It was one of the deepest betrayals Y/N had ever experienced. It was a bitter pill to swallow. When she met the guys it took a while but she began to see how much they really cared and any prejudices she might have held against hybrids melted away. If it weren't for them she would have lost her mind or given up a long time ago.

"Jin hurry we don't have much time. We only have an hour window to get out before the end of shift change." Namjoon said urgently. "Get the keys you mangy furball." The raccoon gave Namjoon incredulous look and almost seemed offended. Angry chittering could be heard from the Jin as he jumped the desk with the keys in his hands. He shimmed up the bars of the cage containing Namjoon and Yoongi, and unlocked the cage. He repeated the action with the other two cages. All the hybrids rushed out. Jungkook scooped Y/N up carried her out the dirty cage, silently vowing that he would never return here if he could help it.

"You all know the plan, Yoongi and Jin will be with me we will provide the distraction if need be the rest of you will be with Y/N. Tae you will carry Y/N."

Tae step towards Y/N cautiously. "Y/N," his deep voice whispered. "I promise I won't hurt you. I could never. You are more than just a friend now, you're pack." His husky voice sent shivers down her spine and put butterflies in her stomach. In this moment she was glad she was a furry rabbit and not in her human form. They can never know how much they effect her. Unfortunately for her they could smell it. They could smell how hopelessly turned on Tae had just made her. They would not call her on it, yet. Many of them had already admitted to themselves that they definitely felt some sort of pull to her, but none of them had time at the moment to explore it.

Be brave Y/N, she tried to pep talk herself into willingly walking towards Taehyung who was now a very large and scary looking tiger. It's just Tae, the loveable oddball. There is no way he would hurt her. She was fighting her flight or fight instinct and strengthened her resolved allowed the tiger to pick her up by the scruff of her neck with his very sharp teeth. When she realized just how gentle he was being she relaxed. It wasn't comfortable being carried in this way, but she felt safe.

Yoongi and Namjoon were the last to shift. "Remember we all meet outside the trash shoot. If we don't make it there in 30 minutes leave without us."

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