Chapter Five

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"Wh're doeth thou guys keepeth the pasta sauce?" I asked Leo, as I rummage through cupboards.

"Bottom shelf. It took us weeks to get it," He replies.

I open the cabinet door, and grab the sauce.

"wh're art the eggs, and flour, and salt?"

"The cooler 'as the eggs...I will get the flour an' salt."

I run to the cooler, and grab some cold eggs.

I head back to the kitchen, and grab a slab of wood. I squat down, and dump some flour onto the slab of wood. I form it into a bowl, and then crack the eggs into it.

I pour some salt onto the eggs, and start to mix them together. Then, I start adding flour from the bowl, into the egg mixture.

Once the egg mixture turns into a dough, I grab the dough, and flatten it with a rolling pin.

Then I grab a kitchen knife, and cut thin slices of the dough. I drop the dough in boiling water, and let it cook.

Ten minutes later, the noodles are made. I pour some tomato sauce on it, and add some basil leaves. Leo drooled at the food behind me, causing me to smirk a little. I grab some plates, and serve the pasta.

"Leo, taketh this to the table," I commanded.

He nods in reply, and carries the plates to the table. I hear the yells of  shock from Van, Terence, Alec, and Captain William, as they see the food I made them.

I walk to the table and smile.

"Anon thou won't hast to englut Van's cooking."

While I was editing this...I was EXTREMELY tempted to rewrite all this, research the food and equipment they have in a pirate's ship. But that isn't my job...It's to edit! Just saying :P ~VWRGLI


Wh're doeth thou guys keepeth the pasta sauce? = where do you guys keep the pasta sauce?

wh're art the eggs, and flour, and salt? = where are the eggs, and flour, and salt?

The cooler 'as the eggs...I will get the flour an' salt = the cooler has the eggs. . . I will get the flour and salt

Leo, taketh this to the table = leo, take this to the table

Anon thou won't hast to englut Van's cooking = now you won't have to devour van's cooking

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