---Chapter III: Mina's Secret---

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Dandelions: A Michaeng Fanfic
Chapter 3: Mina's Secret

            "Everyone thought of me as a cold hearted penguin. The truth is, I'm just trying to keep a childhood secret from them"

Everyone knows about Mina, being herself, one cold hearted penguin. But no one really knew why's her attitude like that. Introverted and emotionless. But of course, she has her own reason.

*Saturday morning*

Mina woke up and got ready for the day. She went outside for a walk with her brother, Sung Hoon.

Sung Hoon: today is a one good day isn't it?

Mina: yeah, it is

Sung Hoon: you okay? You didn't feel too much emotions or feelings this week, right?

Mina: I don't know, there was this new student in my university, and somehow, my heart races a lot everytime I see her

Sung Hoon: hey, remember what dad said, too much feelings can affect your condition

Mina: I know, somehow, I just can't help it

Sung Hoon: but it's not too much so it's okay, by the way, who's this new student you're talking about?

Mina: Chaeyoung, Son Chaeyoung

Sung Hoon: wait wait, you have feelings for a girl?

Mina: is it a problem?

Sung Hoon: oh no, it's just......

Mina: come on Sung Hoon, spit it out

Sung Hoon: a girl made you fall in love, not practically in love, but you get the point

Mina: I know

Sung Hoon: so, you felt love again?

Sung Hoon said as he sits on the park bench

Mina: I think? I blush everytime I see or when I'm with her

Sung Hoon: my lil sis is blushing for a girl

Mina: hey, it's not like that

Mina said as she jokingly slapped Sung Hoon's arm

Sung Hoon: fine fine fine, but did you tell her?

Mina: no, I didn't

Sung Hoon: does she know?

Mina: I rejected her, if I accept my feelings for her, you know what will happen to me

Sung Hoon: well, I think your friends know it, because you're blushing a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot

Mina: they probably know, I just deny it so they wouldn't pressure me a lot

Sung Hoon: *sighs* I wish your heart would be okay, so you can confess, like, right now

Mina: so do I

Sung Hoon: you know one day, your heart can't handle too much feelings inside, you need to express them and let that person accept it

Mina: what if they don't, isn't that gonna affect me even more?

Sung Hoon: and that depends on your decision, don't worry, I'll support whatever you pick, okay?

Mina: thanks

Condition? Too much feelings? Well, a quick back story, years ago, Mina experienced something that left her little heart a trauma. Something that her mom experienced the same condition. Since her mom loved them so much, and because of too much love, she passed away when Mina and Sung Hoon were little. No one really knows why and how did Mina turned out like that. You get the idea. She used to be one of the playful kids before not until her mom disappeared. But so far as I know, Mina is just trying her best to not end up experiencing what her mom experienced. Yet her actions were the reason why she was called one cold hearted penguin

This afternoon, Mina went to a library to relax herself and her feelings as well. She gathered her books at the table, until she saw Chaeyoung walked in with Momo, looking for fictional books. Mina put her hood on and tried to hide from them but Momo quickly noticed Mina

Momo: oh, is that Mina?

Chaeyoung: where?

Momo: over there, Mina!

Mina couldn't hide anymore and just gave up

Mina: oh hi Momo

Momo: what are doing here?

Mina: I was gonna ask that, what are doing here with Chaeyoung

Chaeyoung: hey Mina, I was looking for books here, fictional books actually. But they don't seem to have the one I like.

Mina's heart started to race and quickly thought of an excuse

Mina: oh, well look at the time, geez, I need to do something at home. Nice meeting you, again, bye!

Mina said while hurriedly gathering her books

Momo and Chaeyoung: bye!

Chaeyoung: she's acting a little weird

Momo: yeah, I don't usually see her act like that when she sees me here

Chaeyoung: sooo, another first?

Momo: yep

Mina rushed outside and placed her back against the wall while her hand on her chest. Her heartbeat is gradually getting faster and she felt weak. She gathered all her strength to go home as soon as possible. Mina thought to herself...

                  "why does everytime I see her, my heart beats faster? Am I feeling love again? No no no, not possible, They said nothing can cure this, what if my heart suddenly stopped when I see her. No, I'll just avoid her. Mina stop overthinking yourself, it's not okay"

Her brother Sung Hoon went past her and saw her, upset and frustrated.

Sung Hoon: Hey Mina! Get in, let's go home

Mina: sure

Mina hopped in while still looking at the library, thinking of Chaeyoung

Sung Hoon: you saw her, didn't you

Mina: yeah unfortunately, and she's with Momo

Mina said while trying to calm herself

Sung Hoon: hey, you okay?

Mina: I feel kinda weak after that, my heart raced, like, a lot

Sung Hoon: rest now Mina, we're going home

Mina: sure, thanks. I want to sleep now

As the Myoi siblings arrived home, their dad, Mr. Myoi was waiting at the kitchen

Mr. Myoi: where's your sister?

Mina: I'm here dad

Mr. Myoi: what happened, why do you look pale

Sung Hoon: her heart raced a lot a while ago

Mr. Myoi: aigooo, my little dandelion, you better get you and your heart a rest okay? I'll bring your fav upstairs, okay?

Mina: thanks dad

Mina fixed her bed and sat there, still with her hand over her chest, wondering everything that happened these past days

               "what's going on with me? I'm not myself. When did I start caring for someone, for a friend, it's okay, but for a new student? Someone I just met? Is Sung Hoon right, am I having feelings for a girl? Son Chaeyoung, who are you? How are you making me blush by just looking at me? What's so special about you that my heart is making an exception for you?"

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