Nine | Friends

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"You want me to come with you to your brothers wedding next week?"

I nod in confirmation. "It'll give you a chance to meet my family and get along with them..." I hold his hands close together in my hands. "Unless you don't see me in your future and—"

"Y/N I see myself marrying you, so I'm definitely here for the long run. I'm going nowhere and I promise you that."

I smile and nod. "So will you come with me?"

"Of course I will." He raises his hands up to his lips and kisses the backs of them.

"Bitch guess who's back?!!"

My door bursts open with Lia holding a bottle of wine and a stereo on her shoulder and wearing sunglasses while MinGi followed from behind looking really tired with puffy eyes. I frowned.

I let go of Jungkook and immediately went over to MinGi stopping him from walking further into the house, I cup his cheeks and run my thumbs under his eyes making him close them.

"Min what's wrong?"

"He's why we're going clubbing tonight." I hear Lia say while putting the the things she bought with her onto the table and coming over. "He broke up with his girlfriend."

My eyebrows crash. He doesn't have a girlfriend.

"O...kay?" I look at the both of them and she's running her fingers through his hair and pinching his cheeks gently. "Min come with me..?" I tug at his hand and he nods.

I lead him to my room as I leave Lia and Jungkook downstairs and I lock the door to my room behind us. He falls onto my bed and I sit next to him holding his hand for a few moments before he sighs and pulls at my hand and makes me lay on his body.

He hugs me tightly and starts to sob into my neck and my heart physically shattered. I don't try and make him answer any questions I have but I rather just let him lean on me and become vulnerable in a safe place.

"Hey, I love you and you know that. You're the best person in this world. You are so loved. You are enough. You're so strong and independent. You're the bravest person I know." I whispered in his ear and it only made him cry more.

I sat up and pulled him up and we hugged again, I shushed him gently while rocking him side to side and he slowly started to calm down.

"I-I never had a girlfriend..." he finally speaks and I just caress the back of his head. "I just said that so Lia wouldn't find me weak or make fun of me for crying..."

"Lia would never laugh at you if you're crying and she wouldn't think of you as weak."

"She laughed before."

"Well that was before and now is present. I promise you that she would never think of you that way." I kiss his forehead. "What's wrong?"

"...I just haven't been feeling like myself lately, and I feel like I'm drifting apart from you both... I feel like a really bad friend."

I shake my head. "You're not baby, you're not."

"I'm probably going to sound stupid for asking this but, would you pick Jungkook over us?"

I immediately shake my head. "No, the only person I'd pick over you and Lia is Dal." He nodded and sighed. "Are you perhaps insecure about Jungkook taking me away from you?" I softly ask and he nodded again.

"Oh baby... you have nothing to be insecure about! Nothing could break me and you guys apart, not even a stupid boy!" I grin and he smiles.

"It's just... I have the best friendship with you and I don't want it to ever end, I love what we have right now and I'd be broken if I didn't have you."

"Awww." I wipe his cheeks and hug him tight. "I'm never leaving you Min, no matter what."

He nods and we spend a while just cuddling and talking about nonsense and what's happening in our lives at the moment. We decided to go back downstairs when we heard a crash but I held his hand and he looked at me.

"Promise me you'll talk to me and Lia more about how you're feeling. It's not good to keep it inside and I know Lia wont laugh at you, you're her best friend so anything concerning you and how you feel will be completely valid in her eyes."

"I will, thank you angel." He pulls me for one more hug and we go back downstairs.

Jungkook and Lia were casually talking on the sofa but she immediately stood up and hugged me and Min when she saw us.

"So are we going to the club later?" She grinned.

"Not tonight Lia." I shake my head and she pouts. "But you and Min can stay the night, we can catch up on some stuff."

She nods. "Okay."

I leave them two and go to Jungkook who has his hands in his pockets staring at me. "I have to go." His words make me frown.

"Why?" He circles his arms around my waist.

"My friends are having a crisis and they need me." He leaned down and placed his forehead on mine making our eyes close.

"Okay... well have fun and I'll talk to you later." I softly kiss his lips.

He leans down further to make the kiss last longer and for our tongues to meet. He shows his love and longing for me through the kiss with a pinch of possessiveness and I hold the back of his neck with one hand to hold him in place.

He pulls away with a soft smile and I hug him before letting him go and be with his friends for the day.


"I was fired yesterday." Lia nibbled on her nuggets as we all sat in the boot of my car with blankets in the McDonald's car park. "There was a rumour going that I'd fucked some boy in the same department as me, but that was when I had that date with Jace."

"Wait... Jace? As in Kang Jace..?" I gasp when she nods. "No fucking way! He works in Jungkook's company."

Her jaw falls and she lays her head on MinGi who kissed her temple. "How about I get you a job with modelling?" He offers and she shakes her head.

"Not my kind of thing. I might see if there are any jobs going inside the mall..." Min hums and shoves a nugget into her mouth and I chuckle.

I look up at the night sky and look over the stars when Lia sighs heavily, it sounded like she has a lot going on and debating whether to tell us or not.

"What's up baby?" I reach over and hold her hand and she puts her food to the side.

"I went to the doctors recently." She looks down. "You both know about my very irregular periods and they're sometimes heavy and I'm sometimes on for a very long time..." I nod and watched as tears formed in her eyes. "They told me I have PCOS..."

"Oh... my baby." I leaned over and hugged her and Min rubbed her back.

She cries vigorously in my embrace so I sit myself on Min's lap to hold her closer to myself and MinGi wraps his arms around the both of us. I tell her reassuring things that everything will okay and MinGi continuously kept pecking her head with closed eyes.

"You got this baby, you're the most bad ass bitch I know for this to get to you, hmm?" She chuckles with a nod and pulls away from me slightly. "You're not alone, and if you need any support you come to me and Min." I look at the said male. "You too, you come to me and Lia." He nods. "I'm proud of you for telling us though."

I went to wipe Lia's tears but MinGi beat me to it and hugged her tightly.

"I love you guys so much."

"We love you too." I watched the two of them cuddle and it brung a smile to my face.

We got some insight to Lia and Min's personal life and it's a little upsetting :(

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