Shredder, bebop, rocksteady and night ninja were at the entrance to the portal.
Night ninja: I got this. As he opened the portal.
Shredder: impressive. As he and the others went into the portal and came out on the mountain.
Bebop: this place is cool!
Rocksteady: kinda calming.
Shredder: this is no time to be calm.
Night ninja: now I will finally take over the mountain!
An Yu: over my scales! As she, the turtles and everyone else was there.
Shredder: my mutants!
Romeo: we're not your mutants anymore!💢
Orticia: you lied to us!💢
Night ninja: your too late anyways! Now I'll have the mountain! And shredder can have New York! Just like he promised.
Shredder: what promise?
Night ninja: what?
Shredder: did you honestly think I'll let you have to source for ultimate power!
Night ninja: you liar!💢
Mikey: I kinda waited for it.
Shredder: bebop! Rocksteady! Get rid of them all! I'll get to the pagoda. As he ran up the stairs.
An Yu: your not getting away this time! As she got on her staff and flew up to the pagoda.
Leo: let's do this!
All: right! As they started fighting bebop and rocksteady.
Bebop: try to find me! As he turned invisible.
Luna girl: where'd he go?
Orticia: I can't see him!
Bebop: here I am! As he turned visible and punched them both.
Gekko: Luna! SUPER GEKKO MUSSELS! As he punched bebop in the face.
Catboy: SUPER CAT STRIPES! As he tied up rocksteady.
Rocksteady: CHARGE! As he charged through the cat stripes breaking free.
Mikey: BOOYAKASHA!!! As he whacked rocksteady with his nunchucks.
Donnie: let's see you handle this! As he used his staff to electrocute bebop.
Howler: howl him! As the wolfies howled at rocksteady blowing him back a bit.
Bebop: enough games! As he shot glue out of his belt sticking everyone.
Leo: we're stuck!
Rocksteady: it's all over.
Night ninja: no it's not! As he shot sticky splat out of his hand at bebop and rocksteady.
Raph: you again?
Night ninja: I'm on your side. As he set everyone free.
Night ninja: and I've got an idea.
Leo: what is it? As everyone listened carefully to night ninja's plan.
Owlette: hey you two! Come and get me! As she flew away.
Rocksteady: get back here! As he and bebop started chasing her.
Owlette: there coming!
Catboy: SUPER CAT STRIPS! As he shot the cat strips to Leonardo and gekko.
Leo: pull! As everyone started pulling the stripes tightly.
Rocksteady: there they are!
Bebop: rock look out! As he stopped but rocksteady bumped into him causing both to trip on the strips.
Orticia: your not going anywhere! As she used her vines to trap bebop and rocksteady.
Donnie: and just to be sure. As he poured a strength potion on the vines making them stronger.
Both: well this stinks.
Catboy: what about An Yu?
Leo: we'd better get up there fast! As everyone started run to the pagoda.
Shredder: finally. I'm at the top.
An Yu: stop right there shredder! As she appeared in front of him.
Shredder: if that's how you want it. So be it!

My pj masks x tmnt crossover
ActionIf there's anyone who knows ninjitsu more then the turtles, it's An Yu