Chapter 9 ♠️ Freedom

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"I couldn't visit you at all in daylight, I have work all day, I can only visit you at night." You answered.

"Oh~! Losing sleep because of me~? Aren't you a little obsessed?" He asked jokingly.


"What? No!" You said back "I lose sleep so I can be with you!" Your arms inside his cell "The castle life is so boring and you are--" You drifted off speaking as Jevil took your hands and put them onto his cheeks, his hot face and your freezing hands in contact gave you a weird feeling.

"You really are cold..." You stood there paralyzed, his gloved hands were warm as well.

"You're so warm..?" You affirmed, confused as from your perspective it looked impossible to you to be so warm. He chuckled. "How..?"

"I said I got used to this cold!" He laughed. You didn't have the heart nor the reaction time to stop him, plus it felt nice, so you just stood like that for some time. "Got any plans?" He asked as you both stood like that, now just used to the situation.

"Not really." You said. He took your hands off his face "No, it's so cold, stay like that" You said fastly, mixing some words while grabbing his gloved hands. He laughed loudly as you just hopelessly grabbed his hands.

"You should've gotten other clothes!" He said while laughing "I've got an idea though!" You looked at him hopeful. "Close your eyes" You looked at him suspiciously "Just do it!" You did so. "Now, now..." He said. After some time like that, you started feeling warmer, eventually Jevil retreated his hands "Keep them closed, closed." He said, you did as he commanded and heard some steps, which was fine until you heard them behind you and started wondering what the hell was going on. You felt someone grabbing you from behind and trying to lift you up, you got up and started panicking "Open them now, now!" You opened your eyes and was met with a black field with a sky filled with stars. You stared marveling at the location and started spinning around to get the sights of everything until Jevil appeared out of nowhere in your sight and you screamed scared.

"AH! JEVIL? WHAT THE-" You said mindlessly "I what? I..." You stood there looking at him as he just smiled "What is this?" You asked, looking at the stars.

Jevil started circling you "I thought you wanted to go somewhere else, somewhere warmer, warmer!" He said now behind you.

"But... How did we get here? How... How are you free?" You asked, he jumped onto you and grabbed you, circling his arms around you. You jumped on reaction and tried to look at him since your neck couldn't twist 180 degrees.

"I have always been free! You are the trapped one, one!" He said "This is what freedom looks like!" He raised one of his arms into the sky and your gaze followed his arm. "If you claim to be free, how is it that you don't find joy in your life? How is it that you don't have these places?" He asked you.

"I have joy when I'm with you" You said back.

"You have joy when you are with the only free one, one." He answered.

"..." You stood there looking at the sky, Jevil had retreated his hand at some point in your dialogue. You could feel him wait on your response so he could give you one of those answers that are incredibly deep for no reason in hopes to manipulate you "It is way warmer here" You said calmly, you felt Jevil let out a confused noise and loosen his grip on you lightly, although he tightened right back and let his usual self show.

"See? See? You should trust more in me! Me!" He said.

You laughed amused "Hey Jevil" He made a hm noise "Can you let me go?" You asked.

"Or what?" He questioned playfully.

"I don't know honestly, I'm kinda trapped here" You said

Jevil got his head a little more forward so you could look at eachother and only now you noticed how close you both were, but you didn't get that to you now. Jevil looked at you and frowned his eyes but kept a smirk. He let go of you and immediately pushed you, you kept your balance but looked back at him, before you could say something he said "Catch me if you can! Can!"

"Jevil!" You said going behind him, he simply laughed. You weren't going to play at first, but you don't know what took over you, you just got determined to get Jevil and tag got seriously real quick. It was only then when you found out how ridiculously quick Jevil was, I mean, to be fair, you never saw him run.

You ran out of breath before you could catch him and stopped briefly to get some air, Jevil noticed and waited in his spot, he laughed very loudly looking at your state and you swore you could reach him by pure anger. And you did. No kidding. Jevil was so distracted laughing he didn't notice you running to him out of nowhere "Tag you're it!!" You screamed and started running away. You didn't hear him coming behind but you weren't going to fall for that so you just kept running. You got mesmerized looking at the landscape and sound slowly faded as you paid attention to the natural elements around.

Sound came back fast when you heard some lightning fast steps coming from behind, you barely got any time to turn around when Jevil jumped onto you, tackling you to the ground, both of you in the grass. Jevil's cackling laugh made you start laughing as well, you were both on your backs, looking at the sky. Both of your laughs slowly died out. "This is pretty." You said.

"Beauty is subjective" He spoke

"Wow, okay mister the glass is half empty." You said sarcastically.

"It's true though! Beauty is subjective!" He said once more. You spun your head to look at him "You may think this is pretty. Alright. That's you, you." He said.

"What's pretty for you then?" You asked curious.

He closed his eyes "Beauty for me? Me?" He asked himself "It depends" He said, opening his eyes.

"How's that?"

"For example, freedom is beautiful, of course. But if you're the only free one, is it even worth it? If you can't share it. What's the worth of it? It? You're alone. Plus you get called crazy!" He laughed "I lose in everything!" He cackled loudly.

"I mean, of course you get called crazy if you try to murder people Jevil." You said looking at him, Jevil looked back at you, his smile while still on his face.

"What is that?"

"Seam told me, along with my nightmare." You said with a serious stare "I don't know what kinda 'game' you played to get down there as you claimed but maybe you are a little bit crazy after all." His expression didn't change and you took that as a red flag "I mean, don't get me wrong. You're fun to hang around but ehhh... You're still kinda mental" You said while chuckling lightly, trying to get Jevil to focus on another thing. Unlucky for you, Jevil stared at you dead in the eye with his regular toothy smile.

"May I ask what you interrogated my friend about, about?" He asked.

"Well uh..." You choked on your words "Not much truly... We talked about what came up" You said.

"..." He stood there silently

"J-Jevil... Hey, you alright?" You asked. Jevil looked back to the sky for a few seconds before sitting back up, you sat up as well to be in the same level as him. "Jevil, hey" you put one of your hands on his shoulder, getting him to look back at you, you flinched but continued speaking "Jevil, listen. Everything's fine, ok?" You said trying to reassure him.

He put one of his hands on top of yours on his shoulder, he just kept it there for a reason before he started grabbing tightly, you whined lowly "What did Sean tell you about the key?" He asked.

"Jevil, you're hurting me-"

"Answer me, me." He said gripping even tighter. You tried to use your other hand to free yourself from Jevil but he reacted fast and grabbed both of them pinning you to the ground.

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