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I threw on my grey hoodie and white sweatpants.

I smelled my arm pits making sure if I didn't smell like sweat, I gagged at how bad the scent was. I haven't showered in a week, I've had no motivation or plans to do so anyways.

I grabbed my bottle of deodorant and sprayed it in my pits.

I smelt it again just to make sure if it's alright now, all good! I should be heading to the library now.

I packed my violet tote bag with my overdue books, phone and wallet.

I ran downstairs and exited the house.


After walking for half an hour I finally made it to the library, the library was right next to the school.

I walked into the library and made my way straight to the mailbox where you turn in your overdue books, i quietly slid my 2 books and visited the 16-19 novel section, I flicked my way through pages looking for the perfect book to borrow for the week.

One book caught my eye, "Just For Them."

I smiled, I knew that this was gonna be a good book. I grabbed it and putted it in my tote bag, don't worry I scanned the book to burrow before wards.

As I went to go find a seat to sit at I noticed Zak, not knowing where to go.

"Zak over here!" I whisper shouted, he turned his head and smiled when he saw me. He went up to me, "Hey!" He waved. "Hi!" I said, we found a table with cushioned seats. "Wanna sit here?" I asked, "Why not!" He replied.

We both sat down and sat awkwardly, "What a place u chose, I haven't been in the library ages."Zak said, "Thanks!" I say knowing damn well that the library was the first thing that came to my mind when I was trying to think of a place to meet up at.

"Why did u want to hang out?" Zak questioned, "I just wanna do something this weekend with a friend, and I thought 'why not you.'" I say.

"Me? Your friend?!" He giggled, I laughed along too. It was kinda funny..


We eventually got out of the library and went out for ice cream.

I licked my vanilla ice cream quickly before it could melt, Zak had strawberry icecream and quickly ate it to.

We sat on the field glaring at the sunset, it was peaceful and I enjoyed it.

We had very little talks during the moment but I was fine with that, "I'm starting to get cold..." Zak chattered. "Here, use mine!" I said, "T-thanks" The chocolate eyed boy stuttered. He took the hoodie and wore it, "You can keep it, I really don't mind.." I spoke, this is my way of saying sorry, I give gifts!

"Thank you Darryl," Zak says "I must go now it's getting dark..". "Yeah me to... I'll see u at school tomorrow eh?" I asked, "Yessir" he assured me.

We both headed are ways and split.

all my fault | skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now