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Harsh-swara ...U ...What are u doing here

Swara-to give answer ...That it's me not nandhini

Urvashi-swara why u have done this

Swara-because language of love he didn't understand

Harsh-swara don't forget to whom u are talking ...

Swara-maa I am hungry ... Please give me something


Swara goes harsh feel insulted..He follows her and come in front

Harsh-swara u can't insult me like this

Swara-wao paneer great ..

Swara take harsh seat and started having her lunch. ..Harsh anger reaching peek


Swara play music in her phone ...This is shock for all... Harsh get frustrated he throws the phone ...Swara gets up with her plate and goes to a corner where t.v is placed ...She switch it on

Urvashi-what she is upto ...nandhu call Abhay

Nandhu-ji mom

Harsh angrily started breaking things ..Swara increase the voice  of t.v

He started behaving like mad he started breaking things more till Abhay comes

(Abhay raichand son of urvashi elder to nandhini ...He follows his father surname and look after his business)

Nandhini and urvashi is trying to control him
Abhay stop him ...Till swara finish her food and see Abhay

Swara-hey bro what pleasant surprise after leaving this mansion didn't turn once

Abhay-when did u came ...What's happening here

Harsh-first answer me

Swara comes straightly towards harsh by reaching him she straightly goes

Swara-good night ...

Harsh run behind her on stairs but she moves faster and reach her room and close it ...
Harsh shout in frustration he knock on door

Abhay-uncle stop it her room is sound proof

He angrily goes to his room ..

Swara's room
Her eyes where filled with tears...She get call from sanskar


Sanskar-are u okay...I am feeling u are not alright ...How are u

Swara smiles in tears
Swara-what u will do if I am not fine


Swara-bye good night

Call ends

Swara goes towards a cupboard.their is a small box ...She opens it ...It's having many rakhi..
Swara close her eyes
Small swara comes to Abhay to tie rakhi

Abhay-your daddy always make my mummy and nandhu cry ..So I will not  consider u my sister

Abhay goes by taking nandhini ..Swara cry ....Next she goes to her father ...He treat her same as she did with him today but busy in phone...

She goes to Arnav house with driver..

Sakshi-before your dad except Arnav publically till then nor I am ur mom nor he is ur brother
Flashback ends

Swara wipes her tears ...She get call from nandhini

Swara hurriedly comes down where Abhay and harsh in fighting verbally which is slowly​turning physical...They hear bullet sound .. They part away

Swara-nandhni go with mom to her room

Abhay-stop it ...Don't create a seen

Swara-who are you to question me

Abhay-i am ur brother

Swara-really....I don't remember when u consider me as Ur sister .. as I remember in all this year's u said I am ur sister


Swara show paam
Swara-kindly keep quiet or back to ur mansion please

Swara-and mr Harshvardhan Singhania Ur good time ends here ..

Like this a week happened swara showed hell to Harshvardhan in this time Arnav Abhay supported harsh ..

Swara-so hum saath saath hai ...Take this man with u 

She get slap from Sakshi ...

Sakshi-its hard work..If u want money earn it or go and beg

Swara-i have no intention ..But u can if raizada through u out

Arnav came angrily towards swara but someone pull swara back and comes in front


Sanskar-i am not rich like u nor have power like u but have the courage and gutts to broke ur bones for hurting my girl ..So step back

Sakshi-u don't know this girl ..For property she

Abhay-torchered dad ...U are lucky u save from her

One by one they where commenting her ..Swara has tears .. Sanskar turn towards her...And wipes her tears

Sanskar-swara I can't say situation like this will not come but I can say I will be there with you ....

Swara smiles at him ..
Swara-what happened feeling miserable mr Singhania like this u have made others life .. Understand​ now when ur status finished u had nothing then them ..They are ur assets
Now I will not say any dailogues like serial emotional drama ...I have transferred the property back to ur name mr Singhania...But complaint from u urvashi maa u also didn't trusted me

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