The Boy Savior

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"You know lady, you can give up, it ain't gonna work." Y/n mocked the grunting Caitlyn who was struggling to free herself from the chains that restrained her.

"How about you try huh?! Who the hell are you even?" Caitlyn yelled out in pure frustration, her head looking in different directions hoping to see the man that just mocked her despite the bag on her head.

"Oh me? I'm just your partner's ex-boyfriend." He answered her with a smirk hidden behind the bag on his head.

"Wha- I knew it was a mistake trusting you," Caitlyn exclaims, her words now intended towards Vi who was in the same fate as the other two.

"You've been a real picnic yourself." Vi fired back at the woman.

"I'm not the one who walked us into, not one, but two of Silco's traps."

"That wasn't Silco, dear lady enforcer." Y/n mocked Caitlyn again and he certainly enjoyed doing so. "That was someone else, the firelights."

"Of course you'd know, you work for Silco!" Caitlyn yelled.

"I don't work for that one-eyed piece of shit!" Y/n yelled out, his nickname for Silco causing Vi to forget her situation with Y/n and making her laugh. "What you laughing for Violet? Hmm?" Y/n asked which caused Vi to stop snickering and keep quiet. "If it wasn't for you, we would have never been in this situation."

"What do you mean?" Asked Caitlyn as she continued to struggle but much quieter than before.

"My oh-so-dear ex-girlfriend decided it was a good idea to abandon her sister and bam her sister became a goddamn villain under that son of a bitch."

"Y/n you gotta understand-"

"No, Vi what you gotta understand is you broke my father's promise, YOU put your feelings before your own FAMILY!" Just then before Vi could reply in any way the door to the darkroom they were in opened up causing the three to go on high alert.

"Hey, stop! Get your hands off of me!" Vi yells trashing around in the arms of the person that just picked her up.

"Oi! Leave her alone!" Y/n yells out in an instinct. His instinct was so strong he forgot who the leader of the Firelights was.

"Vi?" Caitlyn asked as she heard the door shut.

"Whatever, he wouldn't kill her."

"What do you mean?" Caitlyn asked as he breathed heavily.

"Oh, the leader? He a...old friend." Y/n admits.

"What friend kidnaps their friends?" Caitlyn asked.

"I and he isn't on friendly terms, how can we be? I killed at least 70 something of his friends or little followers or whatever they called." Y/n groaned out as the chains were getting a bit uncomfortable.

"Never mind that! You still care about her, don't you?" Caitlyn interrogated the man behind her.

"You sure do ask a lot of questions for someone in the lower level of the enforcement, Starflower."

"What do you know about the levels of enforcer? And what's a starflower?" Caitlyn asked confused by the random nicknames she received from 2 criminals.

"Your big guy, sheriff Marcus, works for Silco and what a starflower is, is mine to know." Y/n chuckled but actually, he was a bit relieved, what was he gonna tell her, that he still loved the girl who broke him into millions of pieces.

"There's no way Sher-"

"That's what they always say, that guy despite being under the world's peaceful sheriff, he still later became quickly corrupted," Y/n answered. "Now shut up, you irritating me."

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