15| Model Life

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During Mr. Feeny's class, they were all watching this 'Leave it to Beaver' episode on how modern day family is supposed to act like, and it was so boring for Zoey. She placed her head on her hand, resting and almost falling asleep. And when the episode was over, she sighed in relief.

"So how do you feel Ward and June handled their family problems?" Mr. Feeny asked the class.

"They were too perfect." Zoey said.

"Too TV." Cory added.

"I agree with you, Mr. Matthews." Mr. Feeny told him.

Cory paused for a moment, processing Mr. Feeny's words. "That's not like you."

"In fact, you brought my today's assignment." Mr. Feeny said.

Cory nodded. "That's like you."

"Because in the prehistoric 1950s... when Cleavers strode the earth... The U.S. Census indicated that a model American family had a mother, a father, and three children." Mr. Feeny explained to the class.

"Leftovers." Cory stated.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Matthews?" Mr. Feeny questioned.

"Well, last year in fifth grade we divided up into family's and solved problems." Cory informed Mr. Feeny. "It's sixth grade now, Mr. Feeny. Family's are yesterday's news."

"Very well. This year, I shall let you form into urban gangs." Mr. Feeny said.

Cory smiled. "Cool."

"Each gang will have a mother, a father, and three children." Mr. Feeny said, correcting himself.

Cory sighed. "You just love dangling that little string of hope in front of us.... and yanking it away, don't you?"

"I had a cat." Mr. Feeny simply responded.

Shawn leaned over his desk. "I bet it hung itself."

"Probably." Zoey muttered under her breath.

"In this assignment... each participant will help the other to become an Ideal Family member." Mr. Feeny said, as he wrote 'Ideal Family' on the black board. He turned back to the class. "For instance... Mr. Hunter, Miss Francis and Mr. Minkus will be paired as brothers and sister."

Zoey rolled her eyes to the back of her head, she tilted her head up and groaned. Shawn and Minkus slapped their hands up to their forehead and shook their heads.

"Oh, no." They muttered in unison.

"Trust me. You are going to enjoy this. I know I shall." Mr. Feeny said to Shawn, Minkus and Zoey. "Now, each of you will write a profile of a model brother and sister. Then each of you must become that brother and sister."

Minkus chuckled. "You mean Shawn and Zoey has to act exactly like I want them to?"

"That's correct, Mr. Minkus." Mr. Feeny said.

Cory turned around in his seat, and glanced between Shawn and Zoey, with a wide smile across his lips.

"You two have to be Minkus' brother and sister. Nerdarama." He teased the two of them before turning back to face the front of the class, and sighed. "I hate to be the guy who had them for kids."

"Funny you should say that, Mr. Matthews, or as I like to call you... Dad." Mr. Feeny said.

Minkus' face fell. "He's gonna be my father?"

"Yes!" Cory exclaimed.

"Miss Lawrence, you'll be the mother." Mr. Feeny told her.

"No!" Cory shouted.

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