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Eren rolled over, and promptly fell out of his bed. His elbow hit the floor. He woke up.

"Owe ,owe, owe why do they call it the funny bone?" He moaned. With tingling fingers he picked up his phone. It was dead. Oh fuck! He thought. He dashed into the kitchen to see he had exactly twenty two minutes to get to school.

"Shit!" He swore. He dumped some food in the cat dish, made sure there was water, then dashed to get dressed. He grabbed the first pair of pants his hand landed on. They were tight black skinny jeans. He hardly wore them because they hung low on his hips and felt like they were always falling down, but he didn't have time to be picky. He tossed on a tee shirt and snagged a hoodie.

Smashing his feet into his sneakers he dragged his bag with him out the door. He fixed his sneakers as he jogged down the stairs. He put hoodie on as he hit the door. He ran slipping his arms into the straps on his backpack. Damnit he forgot breakfast. Since getting the cat supplies he had no money for lunch. He wouldn't have any money until his mom put some into his account at the end of next week. Oh well, another day without food, so be it.

He dashed past the hedge. He was so late they weren't their waiting for him. Ha, that was golden. He snickered. He ran up the steps to the school. He was out of breath but managed to get inside before they locked the doors. He paused for three seconds to try and catch his breath.

"Oi, brat why are you late?" Levi was walking out of the office. Eren waved to him.

"Later." He gasped as he tore off down the hall. Levi ran after him.

"Brat, stop I am in your class!" He yelped.

"No you're..." Eren felt his chest ram into something. He fell backwards on to his ass.

"Oops didn't see you there." A dark voice stated. Eren looked up. Annie stood above him holding her foot out. She was one of his first bullies when he came to this school. She had eased off when the guys started to harass him. Her foot dropped, nailing him in the nuts. He howled doubling over as he cried out.

"Hey leave him alone!" Two voices cried out. Eren blinked but he was too focused on the pain in his groin. Erwin shoved Annie back.

"Who the hell are you?" The blond man demanded.

"Why would you do that?" Levi hissed.

"Why not? He is a worthless faggot." She shrugged pulling her arm away.

"Better than being a worthless lesbian. Go find Mikasa and make out in the locker room again." Eren groaned from the floor.

"Shut the fuck up!" She tried to get around Erwin to kick at the teen on the ground once more. Eren laughed.

"That's why you hate me? Because I walked into the wrong locker room?" Eren looked up open mouthed. Annie huffed and stormed away. Eren blinked. The pain was subsiding. A hand was offered to him. He took it and was pulled to his feet just as the bell rang.

"And now I'm late!" Eren muttered.

"That's what I was trying to tell you." Levi grouched. "I'm in your class so you can show me where it is. I have a pass for us both." He waved a paper in Eren's face. They walked to the lockers. Eren put his bag inside and took what he needed for the first few classes. Glancing sideways at Levi every so often.

The teen wasn't looking at him. Eren bit his lip. Why would the hottest guy in school want to hang around someone like him. He closed his locker door. Levi stepped back so Eren could take the lead. They walked down the hall, turning the corner, Levi bumped into Eren as the boy stopped.

"Uh, this is the classroom." Eren muttered reaching for the door knob. He shoved it open. Levi strolled in first. The teacher looked up from their desk. He was old gnarled little man who taught history. He loved the wars and battles. Today it looked like they were watching a movie. Eren snorted. Pixus must be hung over.

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