I'M MAKING TITLES GUYS!!Fruity box:[]Mind:() Voices:{} ~Author Note~"someone other then Camilo talking "Torment talking Humiliate talking Oppressive talking Tw self harm and LETS GO
---------------------------Camilo's pov--------------------------
Ouch! That hurts!"Shut up and stand still Camilo"Can you let me go! "Well maybe if you learned how to take care of yourself then I wouldn't be here!" Ugh.. Whatever Carlos! That hurts"Well shuck it up"Carlo's says pulling more glass shards and bandages camilo's bruises See done now can you leave?"No now and go to bed!"But I haven't had dinner?!? "But I haven't had dinner?!? Go to bed!"tell me one thing what were they saying when I left?They were acting all weird"They were talking about you're sleeping problems and asking if Jośe knew anything about it"And??? What did he say??"Jośe said you shuck out and asked to stay with him"
Then what happened?"You're not gonna leave me alone are you?"~See what I did there???~ "So then Mama got mad that you shucked out and it was thundering everywhere!!" It sounds like mama!"Then Jośe said that you left and barely made it home and well you know the rest ok now GO TO BED YOU DING DONG"
I need to babysit some more kids Tho!"I will do it!! Don't leave this bed or else"Carlos jump's out the window going to town{they do know that there is a door right?It sounds kinda pointless to have a door doesn't it?I feel bad for the poor door it has camilo's fat self on it and I also feel sorry for the people who look at the door every day they have to look at him}
(REALLY?!? I CAN'T HAVE ONE DAY WITHOUT-)"CAMILO COME HERE!!" Abulea? What are you doing here?"SHUT UP!! WHAT IS THIS! THERE IS BROKEN GLASS EVERYWERE!" I sorry I- *Abula slaps me*W- what did I do? "YOU DIDN'T DO ANY CORES QUIT BEING SO SELFISH CAMILO!!"*Abulea slaps me again but harder*
"YOU ARE USELESS YOU'RE GIFT IS USELESS!!"*Abulea pushes camilo to the ground*"REALLY YOU WANNA STATS CRYING I WILL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT!!"*Abulea hits camilo*PLEASE I'M SORRY JUST DONT HIT ME AGAIN!! *Camilo shields his face*"Useless child!"
I'M SORRY OK IN KNOW I'M A BAD CHILD I'M SORRU!!"Oh shut up I didn't even hurt" Abulea says leaving the room {Finely someone had to tell you!Torment now isn't the time oh please you're just being soft on him are you not Oppressive?Oh shut up wait..I have an idea!hm what? Lets be Camilo for a day!!}
(Well I mean you guys keep one saying my life is easy so why not but how about tomorrow?){OK but I GET TO GO FIRST!!!}(You have a childish act sometimes you know that Oppressive?){Just shut up and go to bed!}(Fine)*Camilo hopes on to his bed and pass out
---------------------------the next day--------------------------
{WAKE UP COME ON!!}(Ugh.. Fine just let me sleep)*Oppressive takes over camilo's body*{So I just need to ouch what was that my head hurts?}(head aches if you don't rest soon you might pass out){Oh ok Just have to get though breakfast}"Camilo? Why are you up so early"Carlos! I just wanted to sneak some snacks!"Mhm ok just finished reading you're diary you never skip a day do you?" Yep I always do?"What's up with you?"Nothing now snacks!*Oppressive says running out of the room*{Ok ok now what chores ouch!! My head}(See not easy!){ O oh shut up it doesn't even hurt that much}"Camilo!! You ready to eat?"Mhm let me grab some-"Dont worry we got you some food already!"Oppressive sits down at the table*Dont you think You guys gave me a little to much?"No not really!"You Kinda did-"Camilo Do you
have voices in you're head?" What do you mean? Mirabel"Well I couple days ago I had voices in my head and they said can you get us back into Camilo's head"I don't know what you're talking about Mirabel!"Are you sure because I remember-"It must been a dream now I need to go do some chores-*Isabella wraps camilo into the chair Hm what's this for?"You need for eat Camilo"But I'm-"Eat. Now Camilo"
No thanks could you let me go Isa I need to do my chores! "No eat first" No now let me go."Camilo just eat we are worried about you!"Lisa saysSo then stop! Ok let me go!"Camilo just-"Shut up Abulea don't act like you care"*Oppressive shapes shifts and gets out of the vines"CAMILO YOU DONT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!"Does it look like I care?(OPPRESSIVE YOU CAN'T SAY THAT){Could you shut up
my head is pounding}my head is bleeding.. Ugh.."CAMILO"Hm? "WHY DID YOU SAY THAT TO ABULEA?!?"My head is pounding so can you shut up?" CAMILO WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS TODAY"I just felt like it Isabella ok?!?"Oh shut up you're gonna go eat with us today No matter what ok!!No don't touch me!!"Why don't you wanna eat camilo?" no reason ok let me go and do my chores in peace!! "So?shut up!!"
HOW ABOUT YOU SHUT UP ISABELA OK!!"You know what you pass out I don't care ok just leave I don't care!"FINE!! I don't need you!! *Oppressive stats to walk through the town over hearing what everyone thinks of him"Did you here he wont eat!""He's probably an attention hog!""Camilo I so ugly and his gift is useless to he needs to die"Really?!? So people have to clime down on me just because you're pathetic life
is bad!"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU'RE A MONSTER!!"Does it look like I care?*Oppressive walks over to Jośe house"Camilo what ate you doing here"I had a sleepover with Jośe did he not tell you?"JOŠE GET DOWN HERE!! Yes? Oh camilo"Hey Jośe are your ready for The sleepover? "W- Oh ya c'mon lets get it play some games!"*Oppressive and Jośe go to his room*"So camilo Why are you here"Meh just
didn't wanna go home"So you came at mine last minute?"Yep!!(WHY ARE WE HERE OPPRESSIVE?!?){Oh shut up}"So what do you wanna do?"Plah some games?"Sure like what?"
---------------------------After all those games because I'm not creative--------------------------
[I'm tried can we go to bed now?"Sure here get in"*Jośe pats on a spot in his bed I'm to tired to complain lets just go to bed
---------------------------BOOK END--------------------------
HEY GUYS I HOPE you liked it Just remember I post daily you guys are awesome,amazing I don't know why you guys like reading this?!? Well that's all I have for you guys have an amazing day! And why do you guys like camilo angst I don't know why I like seeing the person who is a funny happy person have mental breakdowns you? 1200 words used BYE!!!!