Eda flipped her cards back and forth, smirking at Owlbert. The little owl cocked his visor and fanned out his cards with his wings.
"Watch closely, Hunter," Eda said as Owlbert set down his cards. "Hexes Hold 'Em is the most tricky game on the Isles. Any proper witch knows how to play."
Hunter looked up from his phone. "Oh, yay, cards," he said dryly. "The paper rectangles that old people think are fun."
As Eda set down her cards, electricity sparkled across both sets. The cards sprung to life, charging at each other.
"Now, when it looks like the deck is stacked against you," Eda continued, pulling out another card, "that's when it's time to break out the wild card."
The card in her hand glowed green, causing Owlbert's cards to erupt into flames. They flew up into the air and spelled out Winner: Eda.
Owlbert got up onto the table and gave her a curt bow.
"YES!" Eda crowed. "I win! In your adorable owl face!"
Hunter raised his eyebrows. "Okay, maybe cards aren't... so..." He trailed off as he noticed something growing on Eda's arms.
"Ah, I love the feeling of victory," she sighed. "It feels..." She paused. "Fluffy?"
"Eda, it's happening again!" Hunter said, backing away from her.
"What's happening?"
King waved his arms around. "Your curse is returning!"
Eda let out a yelp as she noticed the feathers.
They raced upstairs and into Eda's room, where she shoved open a box---one that was filled with several empty jars.
"Oh, no, no, no, no," she said, shaking her head. "I'm out."
"And last time you were out, you turned into this thing," Hunter told her, displaying the picture of Owl Beast Eda on his phone.
She peered at it. "Huh. I know I should be repulsed, but that look is fierce."
Hunter pocketed his phone. "So, where exactly do we get more elixir?"
"I have a guy." Eda dusted off her dress. "We're gonna have to go to the market."
"I'm gonna steal everything that's not nailed down!" King cheered.
Eda looked up. "Before we go, anyone wanna play one more round of Hexes Hold---wait, where are my cards?" she exclaimed, patting at her dress.
Making sure she wasn't looking, Hunter handed her deck to Owlbert. "Take these and fly ahead," he whispered. "She'll have to follow us."
"OWLBERT! You sore loser! Give me back my cards!"
Eda banged on the grate of a booth with the sign Mr. Elixir over it. "Open up, Morton!"
"Hang on!" Morton yelped from inside.
Hunter leaned back on the bench, grinning. "I don't think there's anything better than people watching in the demon realm, right, King?"
King shrugged. "Eh, it's all normal."
"I just saw a bunch of people use an egg as a bus."
"Exactly! Normal."
A group of tough-looking people in robes came through the streets, lugging a huge, lizard-like thing tied up with ropes with them.
Hunter got up and tugged on Eda's cloak. "What are those guys up to?"

Changeling Witch
FanfictionHunter Noceda has always firmly believed that the best way to go about life is to be yourself. But when you're a queer kid with a single mom and a love for the macabre---not to mention, one who looks like they've stepped out of a fantasy novel---bei...