41 | dorms

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I can still make it if I hurry...

Shouyou slammed his locker shut and tossed his gym bag over his shoulder. There were papers in his hand, he had to discuss something important with the principal.

He was scheduled to leave soon, which means the office would be closed, so Shouyou had to rush. His destination was on the other side of the campus, after all.

"Where ya going in such a rush~?"


"I gotta go to the office." He spun around, ready to fast walk away, but Tendou grabbed his hand and laced it with Shouyou's.

"Let's take our time~ The weather's nice today."

The wind had a bite to it, it was chilly, even with the sun up and shining, but not so much so that you freeze.

It was, indeed, good weather.

"Yeah, nice for someone with time. I'll catch you later, I'm seriously in a rush."

He slipped his hand out of Tendou's and rushed off again, and the red-haired male let his smile fall. Shouyou looked like the white rabbit, scrambling away and mumbling about time.

But he's got those papers, huh? This might turn out interesting~


"Principal, I need to speak to-"

Shouyou's eyes connected with the familiar ones of his best... ex-best friend, he supposed. He's turning in his resignation papers, by the looks of it.

"Ah, Francis..."

He sidestepped the little ginger, whose eyes widened in shock...

and anger.

He marched out of the office and snatched Francis' arm, tugging his body back and pinning him to the outside wall of the office.

"What were the past three years worth to you?! Nothing?! You won't even fucking hear me out!"

Francis turned his head away from Shouyou. His voice cracked, his eyes water, but the ginger powered on, fueled by anger and heartbreak.

"Why would I do something like that?! Why won't you look at the evidence?! It wasn't... me..!"

Great, now he's crying. He let go of Francis and backed up, it was the taller male's decision on whether or not to confront this or walk away, Shouyou was willing to give him that option, at least.

"Look, I have a family, okay? I can't get caught up in what you're doing, I can't die. My mom and dad need me, my siblings need me... Do you really not even see it?"

Francis was crying now but tossed a hand over his face to hide it.

"I know it wasn't you, but I'll die if I stay with you. Lately, all I feel when I'm around you is eyes just glaring at me. It's gotten so bad that I even feel them while I'm alone."

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