-Chapter 23-

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Dear Mother and Father,

I miss you so much! Every night I lie awake thinking about you and how I broke the rules of our family. I hope you are ok. I have previously written to Finnick. I would have written to you but I didn't know what to say until now.. I am safe I promise, I'm with Jonah and his sister. Byron is with me too and he is fine. I love you and Marcus. I'm sorry I left you guys, I had too, for a reason, and I promise I'll be back soon.


Kansas CloudsDale

Dear Kansas,

Where are you???? We need to know if you are safe and why you left? If it is because of what happened at dinner? I promise we won't send Byron away!!! We just want to see you back home and safe with us.


Diana CloudsDale

Dear Kansas,

As your mother previously expressed, we miss you dearly! We wish you were home. There are so many new rules and we want to make sure everything and everyone is safe. The wars are beginning next week and everyone in town is leaving or dead. The baker and his wife were taken last week and we want to speak to you in case we are taken to Elder's know where. We love and miss you dearly,

Love, David CloudsDale / Your father / Adviser Of The Late King Gold/ Secretary for the Adviser of King Reylin/ Minister of correlations of war/ Lord CloudsDale

Dear Kansas,

I am sad you are gon gone, I MISS YOU!!!!!!!! In preschool today, we made hand puppets of soldiers. Mine was red and blu becase I love blu. You are my favrite sister becase you are prety!!!! I also mis Byron becase he is so god at baking!!! I mis his food!!!

Love, Marcus

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