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3rd person pov

They were at the cemetery the source of Changmin's hate toward the Hwang family, he knew he looked pitiful which made him angrier, one of the person whom was bitten by Changmin moved a bit and Changmin noticed it, he went to that person ready to rip their head off but his friends went to stop him by taking him away from that person.

The boy suddently punched Juyeon in the face making him free of his friend's hold, he run back to that poor person on the ground, "Don't Changmin please" Sangyeon said, he stopped hearing his friend's voice, "Don't become the one who killed tons of peoples again" the boy tried hard to calm himself but tears started to roll down his cheeks, "Do it for her" Sangyeon pointed at one of the graves.

Changmin looked at it again and let go of the person head, he let himslef fall on the ground and screamed his pain out again after fifthy years. Sangyeon tried to comfort the boy because he knew Changmin way before everything happened so he know what he was feeling right now.

"Just don't lose your control again" he said to the boy who was looking at the grave in front of him with no emotions, "Why are they back?" Changmin asked silently, "Just to haunt me again, to make me pay" he answered his own question with bitterness.

Everything became silent when they all noticed the bodies starting to fade into dust around them, they stayed silent until all the dust went away by respect for the victims, Changmin did watched them disappear it was the same again he regret what he did but couldn't do much about it because what was done is done.


At school, Yura was angry because she hated how Changmin yelled at her for no reasons, she thought he would be a good friend when she didn't knew he was a vampire and she was frustrated about her not seeing his aura, why only him? too much questions was eating her brain up during every classes.

At the end of classes she directly went to Kevin to ask him some questions, "Hey, can you tell me what is up with Changmin, why was he so angry about me?" She asked following him outside the school, the sun starting to set down, "I can't tell you, but the only thing you can know is Changmin had a real bad experience with a vampire killer before" he answered calmly.

Yura was still confused but didn't ask for more not wanting to cross the line, she understood sometimes everyone has their past which they don't want to share. They continued walking to the gates where were waiting Chanhee, Younghoon, Eric and Sunwoo.

"Do you want to spend time with us?" Kevin asked her, she didn't want at first but she knew Wonyoung still had classes and Yura didn't feel like staying alone or going home, she wanted some times to relax outside so she accepeted which she earned suprising looks from the others.

"What, I'm not allowed to stay with you?" She said soflty, the boys immediatly disagreed, "No of course you can come, it's just weird to see you want spend time with us" Chanhee said, she let out a laugh, "Don't get your hopes too high, I just have nothing better to do and I really need some time outside" she said back and they nodded, everyone looked so calm and cool right now, it kind of feel strange but still feel good for her to be with them.

They walked together for a while even if Yura was slow compared to the boys, they made it to a little abandoned castle, it was just ruins with vegetations blooming all over the place, "How did you find this place?" questioned Yura, she looked amazed of her surroundings, "Just our old house" Younghoon said, Yura didn't belive him and he noticed it so he pointed at a little plaque where 'TBZ House 1882' was inscribed, she let a gasp and the boys laughed at her.

"Why did you move from here?" the girl asked out of curiosity, "We had to because some other vampire familly wanted to take it and our parents told us to not protest and move out, it turned out the castle got destroyed by those vampires" Kevin said sounding a little sad.

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