Ride your train

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I bet you have thought
Some part in your life
That I did so much for them
Gave them aid and friendship
When none was with them
But the leave so quickly
When found people
Don't be angry
It's not unfair.
Because they came in your life temporarily
Not to stay permanent.
We all been there
When we are our lowest
And we need someone to hold
To care and share tears with
We all have been to someone
Who came and disappeared as quickly
Just like they came when they were low
And left when got everything
It's not anyones fault
Don't blame
Cause sometimes we need someone to dry our tears
A hand to hold until we stand again
They come temporary
And we do so much for them
And get so angry when they leave with our hearts.
But the truth is
It's the law of nature
The onces who will come to stay will be there till the end
Ride the same train to destinations
But some are passengers here
Who leave when their station arrives
So don't feel bad
Don't cry
If you gave your heart to them
You were a greater person
It just not their luck to have you in their life here
Just like miracle doesn't happen twice
It's hard to find long term passenger.
They will come oneday
Just don't wait
Ride your train
Enjoy where it takes you
Someday it will make you whole again.

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