Chapter Thirty Six: Camp

Start from the beginning

"Did I hear my name" Teddy asked, skipping into the kitchen a lot more bright and bushy tailed than I was. She was already dressed for the day in her purple jersey vest with her home team on it, and a pair of tight fitting black Lycra work out pants. The back of her jersey had her surname on it 'Nomikos'. "You ready to shoot some hoops Harps" she asks, reaching over and stealing a slice of my toast, before going to pour a cup of coffee with it poised between her teeth.

"So ready" Harper revealed, taking a large sip of her orange juice.

"Teddy your schedule is on the table" I remind her "remember to pack your bag and bring it with you today... your room there is all set up"

"Thanks Wills" she calls, pulling the schedule into her hands and sitting herself on the couch with a hot mug of coffee.

"Wait... is Teddy staying on site" Harper asked.

I nod "yes it's a residential camp Harps. It was in the information I sent you"

Harper nodded slowly "I obviously forgot"

"Is that okay" I ask..."I will be there too.. we will stay Monday through Friday and come home for the weekends...but you can stay the seven days a week with the other girls if you want. I just figured we could do some fun exploring of the area on weekends, and have some quality niece and aunty time.... But I completely understand if I cramp your style and you want to stay there."

Harper considered that "I guess I will see how it goes with the other girls" she says unsure. "But I think right now... weekends with you sound great"

"Of course... whatever you want. Take one weekend at a time. Once you know the girls better don't feel bad if you want to stay okay" I reply with a smile.

She nods and continues with her cereal.

I look back to the paper and read the weather page.

"Where's Mama" Harper asks.

It makes me smile to think of her still sleeping soundly. "She's still sleeping"

Harper finds that amusing "she never sleeps this late" she muses. "She must really like that bed"


I stretch my arms out. My eyes flicker open panicked, as my hands search the sheets for the waist they should be wrapped around. Willa appears beside the bed and smiles down at me "why did you get up" I ask sleepily, and then my eyes widen because she is fully dressed and showered. "What's the time" I ask panicked.

"It's eight. I had to get up early to get to the camp for lunchtime. The girls arrive from twelve."

"You should have woken me" I ask a little disappointed I had missed time with her. Even a minute of a missed opportunity stung.

She crawls across the bed, her hair falling down over me as she leans down and places a soft kiss on my lips. She breaks away with a smile "I could get used to waking you up with a kiss" she whispers.

"And I could get used to being woken with one" I reply, my smile finding my eyes.

"So...the girls are packed, dressed and ready to play ball" Willa says backing up and getting off the bed. She opens her wardrobe and pulls out a black snapback placing it on her head and pulling it down tightly.

"Give me five minutes to get dressed" I ask, quickly jumping off of the bed. I squeeze her from behind and kiss the nape of her neck.

The plan for today was to go with Willa and the girls down to the camp, drop them off and settle them, and then I would spend the day there. I would come back with Willa for my final night tonight, before returning home tomorrow.

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