Tarlos - Date Night Discovery 3/3

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Sorry for it taking so long to be released I had other things on my mind. Option choices at school have been a nightmare, my stress levels went through the roof and I pretty much broke down three times in the span of four weeks. I don't know why I'm telling random readers when not many of my 'friends' even cared.

Anyways enjoy. 

Issy made it effortlessly back to the station just in time to catch the 126 as they went out on call. In front of her classmates Judd leaned down from the engine door grabbed Alwyn with the instruction to jump and pulled her into the cab. They were ironically responding to the officer who Issy had just helped, "Suspect the officer was after set fire to a rubbish bin then by his account a girl no older than 15 rushed in and saved him. Name sounded familiar but he'll spill on scene," Issy made the comparison and quickly started devising a way to get out of her potentially sticky situation.

She hung back once on scene and stayed in the engine not wanting to join the others. By total chance TK and Carlos ended up side by side with there name tags in the order that said Strand-Reyes. The officer picked up on it quickly, "Excuse me do either one of you two know a girl by the name of Isabella Strand-Reyes I ask because well," "She's our daughter why?" "Because she saved me." That shed a new light on the matter. Meanwhile Issy was planning for the festival her friends had invited her to go to. It was a four day Friday till Monday morning festival that you could actually camp out at, her only issue was convincing her dads to let her go.

One by one the 126 returned to the engine before they all headed back to the firehouse. Carlos was meeting them there so why not ask them then and there, "Dad, Papa can I please go to Wings Music Festival with my friends in a couple of weeks, Olive's old sisters are coming as well as Jack's," "I don't see why not," "Neither do I after all you saved a mans life today," "He told you?" "Indeed he did, besides Judd, Grace and a couple others you know but I can't be bothered to list volunteer there so they've already agreed to keep an eye on you," "How long have you known?" "Since you forgot to close the tab on the computer about three weeks ago, now go tell your mates," that is exactly what what she did race to tell her friends.

With the festival being this coming week and if TK and Carlos had said no then Bells would have gone anyway. She had ordered what she needed off Amazon but she already had most of what she needed. Issy was the type of packer where if it didn't fit it didn't go. Clothing was a difficult subject, Issy wanted to be fun and trendy her dad's had other ideas. While the 126 were over for hang out night they decided that they would have to vote on what she was taking. Nothing to provocative, revealing, or fun as Alwyn added.

First she came down the stairs in a dip died mesh t-shirt, white bra let that crossed, black pencil skirt (rolled up to show more thigh), multi colour fringe belt and dream catcher earrings, "Well?" "Roll the skirt down for a starters," Judd snapped, begrudgingly she obliged and made a comprise to mid thigh. Carlos was still at work but it was for the best, he was very overprotective of Alwyn, "I say we have a winner!" Next was a halter lace body suit that opened just above the boob for a v-neck, she paired it with blue skinny jeans. Alwyn was sent back upstairs almost immediately.

Play it safe dark blue skinny jeans blue camisole t-shirt and a cropped black jumper.

This one was definitely gonna have mixed opinions. It was a creme shortish dress with peachy colour lace up on the neckline and leg, she paired it with a white undershirt and black leather jacket.

Judd was rather quiet especially after the amount of times he kicked her upstairs, Marjan and TK were quiet also, "So what's the verdict?" "My personal issue is that it's a little to short for someone your age it there anyway you could add a few centimetres?" Marjan pointed out, "Alwyn you have yourself a deal!" The door banged behind them, "Hey Carlos!" They yelled round the corner, "Hey guys I would love to hang but I stink and need a shower, where's the kids?" "Outside minus Bells," "TK wanna join me?" "Shut up you two," TK noticed how Carlos was favouring one side, Nancy and Tommy noticed it also especially when he took a sharp breath when he climbed each step. Once he was out of ear shot Tommy looked over at TK, "TK go check on him."

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