8. Lies

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After I got home, I spent a good two hours on my back staring at the ceiling. My mind was numb from all the information given to me. I closed my eyes and sighed. There's no use trying to sleep so I might as well just write in my journal.

I got up from my bed and walked over to my table. I sat down and pulled my drawer open. I was confused to find nothing. I swear I had three journals full of writing in this drawer! I scratched my head trying to think about where it could have gone. I haven't written in it since the last time I had the nightmare. Did I put it somewhere? I looked around my messy room searching every nook and cranny but ended up empty-handed. Did my aunt and uncle take it? No, they couldn't have. They understand how much that journal means to me. They respect my privacy so I don't think they'd do such a thing.

I was upset. Writing in my journal was a way to blow off steam. Not being able to write in it bothered me because there was so much going on in my head but no way to let it out. I had to find something to distract me.

I suddenly remembered my task of having to find Niall. His number was all I had to go off of. I decided to call him. It went straight to voicemail which didn't surprise me. I then texted him.

*Answer your phone. I need to talk to you, it's an emergency.*

I was surprised to see my message read by Niall one minute later. Thank goodness he sends read receipts! I waited for him to respond but he never did. I decided to text him again.

*I know you see this!* Again, it was seen by Niall but he didn't respond.

*Rude! -__-* I thought long and hard about what would get Niall to respond. An idea popped into my head and I quickly texted him.

*I know who killed your cousin! We need to meet up so we can talk.* I could see Niall typing. Yes, it worked! I felt bad lying to him. I hope we can get Harry to tell us who the killer is some day. My phone buzzed and I looked down to find a text from Niall.

*How do I know you're really Violet?*


*Hey, you never know.*

*I saw you steal from Rich B*tch, you cold-hearted thief.*

*Hi Violet :)* *I put it back, remember? ;)*

*Only 'cause I made you, remember? ;)*

*Are you flirting with me? ;)*

*;)* *But seriously, get your butt over here so we can talk.*

*Now? But it's 1 am. I'm in my bed. :(*

*Tomorrow, stupid.*


I found myself smiling like an idiot throughout our entire conversation. Niall was like the sun. He's always there to brighten up my day.

I was glad it wasn't too difficult to contact Niall. I thought he'd be hard to reach but it turned out he wasn't very good at hiding, but I'm not complaining. I'm thankful for that.



Niall and I planned to meet up at the bakery at 8 PM today. If everything goes according to plan, Harry should be there as well (as usual). We can then make our way to Harry's apartment and have that talk again.

I've never been so excited to see Niall again. The minutes ticked by slowly which was agonizing. It's going to take forever for it to be 8 PM. I froze. Oh gosh. I sound like I'm in love with Niall. I can see why people think we're a couple now. But the thing is that I don't see Niall that way. He's just a really good friend of mine. Plus he's an easy target to pick on.

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