two : meeting

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Matthew was enjoying his classes so far. Everyone seemed so inviting, but one guy seemed not as inviting. This guy was kind of rude to Matt, it was off putting.

"Hey, you mind keeping it down?" Matthew asked.
"Yeah didn't know we were in the library." the boy said.
"Thanks." Matthew went back to minding his own business.

Matthew spent his lunch period in the office with Ms. Penelope and Elliot. They chatted over lunch.
"How's your day been so far Matt?" Ms. Penelope asked.
"It's been better than expected. Except for one guy, i asked him to quiet down and he made a stupid remark." Matthew said.
"Did you catch a name?" Ms. Penelope said.
"Sadly no. Maybe he was just having a bad day." Matthew said.
"Maybe." Ms. Penelope said.

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