Super spy (ch.6)

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1st of April-fools day and since I am a fool as well I decided to do what I did. Sorry if I scared you xd here you go you simps !

This chapter didn't take as much time as some of them, I was busy with school and later on with my medical problems.
My dormitory caught on fire and the 2. Floor is completely destroyed because of some irresponsible teens. Next chapter will come with a drawing


(Y/n) POV

Darkness. That's all I saw

Nah just messing with ya. I never really liked when people did this at start of story or something. Not like I read something. Just heard a lot of things

Anyways. No darkness, I had dreams. Yes I can see in dreams don't ask me how because I have no idea by myself. Who knows what's our purpose. I mean you are reading this as I am laying in a room completely unable to move

Does that make sense to you ? I don't think so

Stirring my muscles I felt slight movement. Ugh finally. It's terrible just to lie down and overthink. You get to questions that can never be answered. But now really, I need to get up to ask questions that can be answered

Opening my eyes I saw nothing. Oh yeah I am blind. Sitting up I heard a weight shift near me and a bunch of metal falling making me flinch

"Oh you're awake ! Thanks science !" I heard Entrapta's usual voice

"So what happened ?" I asked while stretching my back

Before she could answer me the door opened revealing nervous Catra. I would too be nervous showing up with that Karen haircut but like self confidence I guess

She ran up to me checking for any injuries like I just got out of ww3

"Calm down I am fine, I dreamt about turtleducks in a pond" I told her. Damn I love turtleducks

"So I have bad news and good news" Entrapta said with a paper in her hand while she propelled to me with her hair

"Let's start with the bad ones" better now than never

"You are positive for the test of fibromyalgia" she blankly said, showing me on the paper even though I couldn't see what she was showing me

Sighing I asked again

"And the good one ?"

"Oh there's none, I just wanted to make you feel someone positive except the illness test" she answered patting my head

"I appreciate it and all but this just made it even worse, also what the hell is the fybro something" sighing I let my ears fall down along with my tail

"Fibromyalgia, it's something that makes you loose control over your muscles in your body meaning sometimes your muscles will just turn off. Some can be painful and sometimes you won't feel nothing at all you just won't be able to use that muscle. Therefor you had a shutdown and every muscle in your body shut down. We almost lost you since heart is just a big muscle. But ! It was one of muscles that didn't get affected that much" listening to her ramble I don't have the courage to say something to that nor turn myself to Catra who was holding me on my right hand while Entrapta explained it on my left

"Can it be fixed ?" Catra jumped in

Of course. Catra is already looking for a solution and I am here just trying to remember at least the sound of her voice and memorize everything I can about her

"I don't know I didn't find anything for now" Entrapta said tapping into her tablet and moving around with her hair

"I feel like a robot. A useless one. As if being blind and orphan wasn't enough..." Groaning I laid back hitting my head in frustration

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