Chapter 33: Reassurance

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"Tarylin! Tarylin, wait!" 

Ignoring the calls from far behind me, I sprinted forward after the droid, force jumping to stay in pace with it. I'd dropped the lamp, using the glow of my Inquisitor lightsaber to light the way. The tunnels dipped and curved consistently, almost causing dizzy spells as I chased on. Being careful to avoid and jump over the heads of multiple Selonian residents, who were bewildered at the sight of two foreigners in their tunnels, I followed K-2SO into a massive cavern. 

The ground began to even out despite the occasional dips, paths going towards one central point in the middle. Jagged, tooth-like rocks sprouted out of the ground toward the ceiling like twisted spires, with lights placed along the way. The city seemed to glow red and white, shimmering dust particles floating in the air. Holes were cut out on the walls to be tunnels, light up, lit up to signal their locations. 

I could also see the population density grow as we neared the center of this city-like den. The last thing I wanted the droid to do was use a civilian as a shield. 

"K-2!" I roared, trying to catch up with it, dodging moving bodies left and right. The droid slid to a stop, as did I, seeing him reach for a civilian. Stretching out my own hand, I yanked him back toward me. As he sailed through the air, with one swift motion I detached his arms and legs. The smell of burning metal permeated the already stale, rocky air.

The droid wiggled on the ground, rolling over onto its back to face me as I stood over him, lightsaber casting an eerie glow. "I didn't do anything wrong!"

"You were in league with that killer. I don't care if you did or didn't do anything, there shouldn't be any strings attached in case you decide to take on revenge."

If droid's could glare, K-2SO would have burned a whole through me. "You're a monster! Khosuh is wrong about you, and you know it."

"Feel free to think that all you want with the little time you have left."

Raising a hand over the droid, I slowly closed it into a fist, watching the Imperial droid spark and crumble under me without so much as a blink. For good measure, I sliced through him twice before retracting the red light. 

"I'm sorry for the scene, thank you for allowing me to use your tunnels. I will take my leave." I announced this to the multitude of eyes before turning my back on them and walking away back into the darkness. Lightsaber hanging loosely in my left hand I rubbed the back of my neck, flipping my hood over my head to protect myself from the annoying drops of condensation from far above.

A voice from up ahead in the tunnel I had come from made me look up from the view of my grimy boots. N6 and the two Selonians came into view, one of them carrying the lantern I'd dropped.

"Captain! Did you get that droid?" She stopped just in front of me, hands clasped together. I nodded numbly, not giving a verbal response besides a small thank you gesture toward the two cats before walking past them back in the direction of my ship. 

N6 followed close behind, I could hear the whirring of her joints as she studiously waved at our guides as we departed back into the dark, twisting tunnels. A pregnant silence followed the two of us for quite some time before N6 could no longer bare it.

"Tarylin? Is something wrong?"

I felt defeated. "Yes, I suppose so."

"What is it?"

"Killing that droid, didn't make me feel better. In fact, I felt absolutely nothing. There was no gain in doing it." I confessed quietly, using my lightsaber to light the way."

N6 came up to float beside me. "Were you hoping there was?"

Shrugging, I scratched my nose. "Kind of. He said I was still a monster, and in a way, he was completely right. The way I felt when I killed him, it was no different from when I worked under the Empire. This little excursion I pursued is just finalizing my place." My throat began to close up as I spoke and I stopped, hitting a fist against the wall of the tunnel. "The confusion is driving me insane, I can't keep living like this. Pretending to try to be something when I'm incapable is stupid."

My flying companion laid a hand on my shoulder, making me look up at her. "Hey now, Captain. Don't get yourself so down. I don't really know anything about you yet, but I'm sure everything is going to be just fine. For now, let's get to wherever you need to go, then go to your home."

I gave a nod, smiling a little as she gave my shoulder a gentle shake and pushed off from the wall to continue walking. "You should just be my personal uplifting droid from now on."

"Given your continual sour attitude all the time, it will be my pleasure Captain."


"Even more green?!" N6 gushed as we flew along the cliffside during our approach to the base.

"If I painted you green, would you be just as enthused?" I asked, leaning forward to flip a switch. N6 let out an audacious, overdramatic gasp. 

"Captain, you wouldn't dare!"

A genuine laugh escaped me, winking in her direction. "Sleep with one eye open then, you floating metal machine."

I reached base camp, lowering the Tyrant slowly onto the grassy field near the hangar, squinting as a ray of light reflected off the hangar roof. My ship jerked to a halt once it hit solid ground, allowing me to power off the engine and stand up. I pressed the boarding door button on my way to the cargo bay, and grabbed my bag that held some things that I'd picked up from Kohan's place on the way back to Ralltiir. N6 was already off the ship, waiting for me outside.

"Y/N?! Y/N!" Someone shouted. Having only just set foot on the grassy terrain, I turned to see who called my name, my breath catching at the sight coming toward me.

Cal. He was sprinting full tilt in my direction, relief flooding over his young features. Afraid of being run over I took a step back as he drew near, but Cal slid to a stop and enveloped me in a tight embrace. Letting go, he cupped my face in his hands, before leaning in and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Where the hell did you go?" His voice was soft, green eyes gazing into mine. 

"I...I had to take care of something." I managed to say, confounded by his behavior. Without awaiting a response, he pulled me in for a long hug, holding the back of my head against him so that I couldn't escape. How was he acting like this, when he'd seen all that I'd done? Cal had felt that pain and suffering, what was he thinking of me right now.

My best friend chuckled, his warm breath tickling my ear. "Don't go without telling me, please? I was worried about you."

"Sorry." I managed, closing my eyes as fatigue settled in. His arms were warm, aura comforting and home-like. 

"Are you going to tell me about this adventure?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Mmm, probably not." 

Cal was the first to pull away, making me have to balance my tired body on my own two feet. He saw this, reaching out to steady me with his hands. "Woah there, come on lets get you to a place to sleep. Are you coming too, uhh..."

"ZO-N6!" My flying partner announced, hovering close behind me. 

"Alright, N6 it is then." Cal turned to me, placing an arm around my waist to hold me upright. My friend lead me back toward my house and I couldn't help but feel there would be less sleeping, and a lot more questions involved as soon as we were inside. 

A/N: Uwu, a kiss...finally. You're welcome. 

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