The scene is the headquarters of "VTECH CORP INC". Milo, Melissa, and Zack enter and walk through the lobby, where are many exhibits.)
Milo: I can't believe we're gonna get to see Victor Verliezer in the flesh! He invented most of the technology that we use today: the vPhone, -
(Cut to someone speaking on a V-shaped smartphone.)
vPhone user: Hello?
(Cut back to Milo, Melissa, and Zack.)
Melissa: The vTablet -
(Cut to several people using V-shaped tablets, then cut back to Milo, Melissa, and Zack, who have arrived at a table labelled "V-WATER", on which are several V-shaped vials containing water. Zack takes some up.)
Zack: And vWater. It comes in a V-shaped bottle.
(Zack hands one to Milo, and they try to drink it, but spill on themselves instead. The stains on their clothes quickly disappear.)
Melissa: Wow, he even made spilling water more efficient.
Zack: If we meet him, (deposits the empty vPhials in a "V-CYCLE" receptacle) I'm gonna tell him how he inspired me to create this new app. (He takes out his vPhone.)
Melissa: Wow, I didn't know you could program.
Ben: I don't get why his stuff is so great. B-Tech is waaaaay better.
(They walk into an auditorium.)
Zack: Apparently I can not. It was supposed to add an armadillo to any photo, but instead all it does is make this annoying high-pitched sound.
(Zack demonstrates, and all present stop their ears and exclaim.)
Melissa: Well, that is annoying.
Milo: And high-pitched.
Ben: And headache inducing.
(Melissa takes a seat.)
Zack: (pocketing his vPhone) There's gotta be some use for it. (He goes to take a seat.)
Milo: Well if anyone can think of one, it's Victor Verliezer. (Goes to take a seat)
(The lights in the auditorium dim, and holograms appear in front of the audience, who "Ooh" and "Aah" at them. Verliezer, off-screen, starts to speak.)
Verliezer: (as a hologram of Isaac Newton appears) Newton. (as it is replaced by one of Galileo) Galileo. (as it is replaced by one which is a rectangle saying "NO PHOTO AVAILABLE") Einstein. (as it is replaced by one of Verliezer) Verliezer. All of them changed the way man thinks, but only one of them changed the way man does. I'm referring, of course, to Victor Verliezer.
(The hologram of Verliezer winks.)
Milo: Ah.
Ben, muttering: Azmuth is smarter then this...
Verliezer: Ladies and gentlemen, Victor Verliezer!
(The curtains before the stage swoop open, and Verliezer rides in from stage left on a Segway-like vehicle.)
Verliezer: Hey. Thank you. Ever since the 1950s, (dismounts his vehicle) we've been promised one thing. Robots! Am I right?
(The audience applauds.)
Audience member: I wanted flying cars!
Verliezer: And has anyone ever made good on that imagined promise?
Melissa: Actually, the Japanese have had robots -
Audience: No! (cowing Melissa)
Verliezer: Until today. I present to you an invention that will change everything for ever: the (the next four words appear as holograms as he says them) Cybernetic Individual Domestic Droid, or C.I.D.D. (The words reconfigure themselves into that acronym.)
Heroes Luck
FanfictionIn another universe, a certain watch-wielding hero lives on one certain side of Danville, and his luck takes a turn when he meets Milo Murphy.