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I take the hem of Sidra's dress between my fingers. They really went all out for their little dinner, her and Burkhardt, with their matching outfits that make their light eyes pop, especially Burkhardt's with all the blue. It's cute. I adore their relationship. I'm glad she has someone so brotherly when David is well over an hour away. And I think Burkhardt knows that too. He hasn't spoken to me about it yet but he's really opened up the last few weeks.

Tearing my gaze from Sidra's bare legs, I lift my head and watch as she throws her head back and takes in the last few rays of sunlight. The sun is sinking into the horizon, allowing the already risen moon to properly glow, and we should be going now. But I don't want to ruin her moment. "You look gorgeous," I tell her and she smiles. "As always," I quickly add.

"Thank you," she giggles. She opens her eyes to stare into my soul. "I love you."

"I love you."

She places her tiny hand on my chest then, after a long moment, she scoots closer and leans on me. My hands find their way to her swollen belly, desperately hoping for my baby to kick.

"I wish I knew..." I whisper uncontrollably.

"Mm?" She asks.

"Nothing," I lie.

"No, tell me."

I sigh. "I was just thinking out loud."

"About...?" She gently strokes her fingertips up and down my hands.

"The gender," I confess. "I want to know."

"Wait, what?" She sits up from my lap and looks back at me. Instinctively, I turn her so her body isn't twisting at a strange angle. "You want to know the gender? But I thought-"

"You don't want to know, Sidra," I say shyly. "And you were so upset when you finally decided to not know the gender, I didn't say anything."

She pressers her glossed lips together, her effortlessly beautiful face twisting while she thinks hard on something. She finds and takes my hand while she turns her head and stares at the rosy part of the sky. "Okay," she tells me after a long moment of silence.


"I'm okay with knowing."

"No, you're not," I call her out. I extend my free hand, grab her face, and force her to look at me. But she averts her eyes. "This is exactly why I didn't say anything. Sidra, I can wait five more months."


"I don't have to know," I say firmly.

She finally meets my gaze, and I drop my hand from her face. "No, you can know the sex but not tell me. We can stick with a green and yellow baby shower and only you will know the sex."

I shake my head. "I can't be the only one that knows-"

"So tell my dad! He's dying to know."

"I mean, I can't be the only one that knows between us. You're their mum, Sid. If their dad knows, their mum should too."

"You're putting too much thought into it." She smiles, returning to her spot on my lap. "I'll ask my dad to take me then tell you when we come back."

"All right, all right," I growl in a warning tone. "If you're truly okay with it, then yeah, we'll know. We can ask on our next check-up."

"Okay," she shudders. "We should go. It's starting to get chilly."

Sidra waits patiently on the side, wrapped up in my hoodie while I gather and pack our things. I throw everything in the basket-why the fuck did Christian use a basket?-but Sidra insisted I put it away nicely. So I repack then we're on the way.

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