Doctor Zoned Out

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(This chapter was almost about Zack and Ben being happy to see a Sumo Slammers movie.)

Murphy Home

Living Room

(Early in the morning, Sara, Ben, Milo, Melissa and Zack watch an episode of The Doctor Zone Files on TV.)

"The Doctor Zone Files: The Next Regeneration" Theme Song

♪ It's time for danger, ♪
♪ time for action, ♪
♪ Time for Doctor Zone! ♪
♪ Chronological time is just an abstraction ♪
♪ When you're with Doctor Zone! ♪

♪ He's got one foot in the future, ♪
♪ And one foot in the past ♪
♪ He's got on hand in the present, ♪
♪ Or at least in a gift shaped cast ♪
♪ He's Doctor Zone! ♪
♪ It's time for Doctor Zone! ♪

The Trashcandroids Planet

(The Heart of the Moon 3,679. The Inner Sanctum of the Trashcandroids)

Doctor Zone: All my worrying just wasted time! Let's get it back. Quick, to the Time Beehicle. (Doctor Zone and Time Ape make it to the Time Beehicle and get in. Time Ape closes the door on a photo he's carrying and rips it, leaving half of it outside.)

I've got to hit that button. If only I had fingers on my right hand. Ugh! Uah! Dah! Ugk! Ugk! Dah! Ugk! Ugk! Uah! Dah! Ugk! The present is preventing me from getting to the future. They're closing in. Time Ape, do something.
Time Ape: The time is now 1:54 pm.
Dr. Zone: No, you silly simian. Time is relative. The Trashcandroids! No! Ugh! Time Ape, press the button. (The Time Beehicle's stinger unleashes a blast that disables the Trashcandroids and the Time Beehicle takes off.) Righty crikey and tally ho. Time waits for no man... Except for me!

(The Time Beehicle disappears but a Trashcandroid reaches out and grabs the half a picture Time Ape dropped. It is revealed to show a baby Time Ape. The episode ends with THE END and a question mark.)

♪ It's time for Doctor Zone! ♪

Murphy Living Room

Sara: So. After your first Dr. Zone Files marathon, are you exited about the movie?
Melissa: Exited, and confused. I'm exfused!
Zack: And I'm concited?
Ben: Not as good as Sumo Slammers.
Milo: You have your own opinion, Ben, and we respect it. And I know it's a lot of information to assimilate, but it's worth it. And Sara got us tickets for today's show.
Sara: I'll just hold on to these little brother, to prevent them from getting, you know, irradiated into particulate matter or something.
Milo: Good idea.
Zack: My hand is asleep. How I envy it.

Murphy Driveway

(Everyone, now dressed in their usual clothes, watch Sara put a duffel bag in her car.) Melissa: The movie's not starting for hours, right?
Sara: Yeah, but there's going to be a line already.
Milo: It's got fifty years of fans.
Zack: Wait, fifty years! I thought we saw it all last night.
Milo: No, no. No, no.

Sara's Car

Milo: No, no. No, no. No, no. No... no.
Sara: That was just the latest incarnation. Dr Zone Files: the Next Regeneration.
Milo: First there was The Zone, then Dr Zone, Professor Zone, and Adjunct Faculty Member Zone, That only lasted a semester. And finally, The Doctor Zone Files that you know as of three o'clock this morning.
Sara: We just wanted to make sure you're prepared. Dr Zone fans can be kind of elitist.
Line to "The Doctor Zone Files Movie Files"

Elite #1: More tea?
Elite #2: Yes. Oh dear, what are those people wearing?
Josh: I'm just saying that if you can't actually speak the Trashcandroid's binary language then you have no place in this line.
Dr Zone Fan 1: Oh, don't be such an elitist, Josh.
Sara: Today is going to be my favorite day ever. ...Unless something goes wrong.
Zack: Well we made it to the theatre. What could possibly go wrong.
Ben: A lot.
(Sara has a has a flash back of a train driving over her birthday cake in the backyard. Then of a moment playing mini golf with Milo, where the blades of a model windmill flew off and decapitated a few other models. She then remembers eating ice cream with Milo when a cement truck skids by uncontrollably. The truck passes uneventfully but her ice cream then falls off her cone.)
Sara: Well I have been Milo's sister since he was born.
Ben: Oh, right.
Sara: Which is why we're going in prepared. Nothing is going to ruin this day for me. Exclamation point.
Melissa: She really puts a lot of faith in punctuation.

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