Phineas And Ferb's Effect: Act 1

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(Scene opens up on where we last left Milo and his friends, confronted by Doofenshmirtz, who is about to relay a recap.)
Doofenshmirtz: So lemme get this straight. There are Pistachion monsters, and they're bad. You went back in time to 1965 and found out that one of them had taken over... some... TV show, and hybridised themselves with alien DNAc And when you got back to the present, those same plant monsters had imprisoned everyone in a lard-themed amusement park and replaced them with plants wearing rubber human masks. The only way to fix this is with a time machine. Yours is broken, and you're looking for some guy named "Professor Time" to help you. So... in a nutshell, what you're saying is - you're not the pizza delivery guy.
the Bens: (deadpanned ) No, we are not the pizza delivery guy.
Doofenshmirtz: All right, well, I'll let ya out then.
(Doofenshmirtz walks over to a button and drops Milo and the others. Cue the theme song)

Act I

(The scene opens up on:)
♪ Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated! ♪
Cavendish: Professor Time, I am beyond pleased to meet you! Balthazar Cavendish, big fan! You, sir, are my idol!
Doofenshmirtz: (looks round in confusion) Are... A-Are you talking to me?
Cavendish: Yes! You're Professor Time! You're going to invent time travel and change the world!
Doofenshmirtz: Really? And on what exactly are you basing this assumption?
Cavendish: Oh, it's not an assumption. (Dakota walks on) We are from the future! Fifteen years from now, you invent time travel! You are the great Professor Time!
Doofenshmirtz: Y'know, my name isn't Professor Time; it's Doofenshmirtz!
Dakota: Yeah, we're pretty sure you change your name... (holds up a bag of Professor Time Time Chips) ...for branding purposes.
NW: Per-

(Song: Time Chips Jingle)
♪ Time Chips! ♪
♪ Don't share with a friend! ♪
Professor Time: Those are mine!

Doofenshmirtz: I have branding in the future?
Cavendish: Of course you do! T-shirts, hats, I'm wearing your underpants. (The scene briefly shifts to Milo and Orton looking at each other, weirded out.) Well, not your underpants. They're Professor Time brand. They have your picture on them. Do you want to see?
Doofenshmirtz: Errrrrrrrrrrrr... no.

(Cut to the Human Detention Center (Formerly Lard World), as evidenced by the subtitle. Zack and Melissa are in a vine prison cell.)
Zack: This is bad, Melissa. They got half the town in here.
Melissa: And no sign of Milo! Gotta figure out a way to escape.
Buford: Yeah! Good luck with that, lady!
(Cut to reveal Baljeet with a pair of binoculars sitting on Buford's shoulders.)
Melissa: Well, what are you guys doing?
Buford: Recon! Duh!
Gwen: Yep...
Baljeet: Whoa! (falls upside down) Would you turn around please? (to Melissa and Zack) We have been studying the Pistachions' movements. But I still cannot deduce the purpose of the giant M.U.L.C.H. device.
Buford: Whatever it is, they sure got a lot o' guards around it.
Baljeet: (falls over) Oof!
Buford: So, uh, what's your deal anyway? You two a couple or somethin'?
Melissa and Zack: (denying) No!
Baljeet: Wait. You are Zack Underwood of The Lumberzacks!
Zack: Hey, somebody recognized me!
Melissa: Yeah, in plant jail.
Zack: I'll take what I can get.
Baljeet: I have your CD! I carry it with me always!
Gwen: Ugh, my cousin was part of that.
Buford: Oh, yeah! Chop chop chop! I remember that! I even heard one of the guards singin' it earlier!
Melissa: (snatches away Baljeet's CD) One of the guards? That gives me an idea!
Baljeet: Hey!
Melissa: This might be the perfect diversion.
Zack: Wait, are you Ben's cousin?

(Song: Chop Away at my Heart)
Pistachion Guard 1: Hey! That's Zack Underwood of the Lumberzacks! We should get his autograph now before... well, you know.
Pistachion Guard 2: Eh, stop foreshadowing, Bob.

(Sara, Zack, Buford, whilst Gwen suffers and Baljeet are dancing to the song.)

Zack: ♪ I know you're pining ♪
♪ But every cloud has got a silver lining ♪
Zack and Baljeet: ♪ The leaves are parting; now the sun is shining ♪
♪ And you're in my arms... ♪
Baljeet: (takes over) ♪ the planets are aligning ♪
♪ My heart is strong, like a tree! Boom! ♪
♪ And you belong, baby, you belong with me ♪

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