Sports Festival Pt.3

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The 16 finalists were in the arena looking at the holographic board that would tell us who we were paired against. For the first round Izuku was paired against Hitoshi, Shoto was paired against Sero, Ochako was paired against Bakugou, I was paired against Ashido, Tenya was paired against Hatsume, Kirishima was paired against Tetsutetsu, Kaminari was paired against Shiozaki, and Momo was paired against Tokoyami.

While Cementoss constructed the stage where the fights would take place, we went to the stands to watch. Izuku and Hitoshi went to prepare themselves. After ten minutes the stage was complete and the boys were ready to fight. As they walk onto the stage, Present Mic introduces them. Midnight stands on the platform beside the stage and explains the rules. "You must either k.o. your opponent, immobilize them, or force them out of bounds."

She points at the two boys and says, "ready, and fight." Hitoshi tries to make Izuku answer him by insulting Ojiro calling him a coward for not taking the win and moving on. Izuku tries to defend Ojiro but immediatly falls under Hitoshi's control. Hitoshi tells him to walk out of bounds and Izuku has no choice but to comply. However, just before he can take the last step out of bounds, he somehow manages to use his quirk to jolt him out of Hitoshi's control. He runs to Hitoshi and starts pushing him to the edge. Hitoshi tries to fight back and manages to land a few hits. He switches them around and starts pushing Izuku instead.

 A few feet before the edge, Izuku grabs Hitoshi's arm and collar and judo flips him over his shoulder. Hitoshi lands on the ground with his feet sticking out of bounds."Hitoshi Shinso is out of bounds. Izuku Midoriya moves on to the next round." Izuku helps Hitoshi up and apologizes for fliping him. Hitoshi also apologizes for saying those things about Ojiro. They bow to eachother and make their way off the stage and to the stands with the rest of us.

The next match is between Shoto and Sero. They walk on stage and wait for Midnight to say go. Sero starts stretching and as soon as she says "go" he wraps Shoto in tape and tries to swing him around and out of bounds. But Shoto just sends a huge ice wall that covers half of the stadium and leaves everyone shaking from the cold, trapping sero inside. Midnight asks Sero, "be honest, can you move Sero?" He replies with, "Obviously not, I'm freezing." "Hanta Sero is immobilized. Shoto Todoroki moves on to the next round." Shoto melts the ice away from Sero while people shout "nice try" at Sero. 

After their fight was Kaminari and Shiozaki. Kaminari starts by asking her out on a date to which he is completely ignored. He lights up his attack going with 1.3 million volts. Shiozaki blocks it with the vines on her head and wraps them around Kaminari since he fried his brain with his first attack. She then places him out of bounds. "Denki Kaminari is out of bounds. Ibara Shiozaki moves on to the next round." Small robots come out and carry Kaminari to the nurses office on a stretcher they had.

The next fight was between Tenya and Hatsume. This fight turned out to be a 10 minute info-commercial about Hatsume's inventions. After she was done showing everything off, she simply stepped out of bounds, leaving Tenya feeling stupid for falling for her tricks. She had made him wear some of her inventions under the pretence that she wanted it to be a fair fight. "Mei Hatsume is out of bounds. Tenya Iida moves on to the next round." 'That was the most borng fight ever.'

The next fight was mine so I walk down to the tunnel. When Present Mic introduces me I walk onto the stage. When Ashido gets there I bow to her and get into a fighting stance. Midnight tells us to "fight" and I summon a flash grenade. I throw it at her and close my eyes as it goes off. It was a risky move but it worked. She was temporarily blinded so I walk up to her, throw her over my shoulder, and drop her out of bounds before she can do anything. "Mina Ashido is out of bounds. Miko Otori moves on to the next round."

I go sit back in the stands as the fight between Momo and Tokoyami starts. She quickly creates a sheild from her arm and uses it to block Tokoyami's attacks. She doesn't notice that she is slowly being pushed back towards the line. Tokoyami stops attacking and she creates a staff to attack him but Midnight talks before she can do anything. "Momo Yaoyorozu is out of bounds. Fumikage Tokoyami moves on to the next round." Momo looks so dejected at that.

The next fight is between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu. 'Those two are practically twins.' When Midnight says go they immediatly start trading blows. They are seriously doing the same thing. after a few minutes they manage to knock eachother out. Midnight walks over to them and says, "they are both out cold, it is a draw. The winner will be decided by an arm wrestle when they wake up." 

The last fight in the first round is Ochako verses Bakugou. As soon as Midnight says go Ochako charges Bakugou. He blasts her back but she keeps going. She stays low to the ground as she attacks him. After two or three more blasts there is a lot of smoke in the arena. We can see Ochako sneak around Bakugou but he jumps on top of her and pins her to the ground. The smoke clears a bit and it turns out that it was just her uniform jacket. While Bakugou is struggling with her jacket, she sneaks behind him. She almost lands a hit on him but her turns around and blasts her just before she could touch him. 

Up in the stands some pro starts booing Bakugou and yells that he should stop toying with the girl and just send her out of bounds already. The pro proceeds to get a lecture from Mr. Aizawa about looking for a new profession and not underestimating Ochako. 'He's right, she has had a plan this whole time.' Ochako suddenly stands straight and thanks Bakugou for keeping his eyes on her. She then presses her fingers together and releases the giant pile of rubble she had floating in the air.

 At the same time she rushes toward Bakugou to try to land a hit. Bakugou grabs his wrist and lets off one of his biggest explosions up at the falling debris. The explosion is so big that it blows Ochako back and incinerates the debris to small pebbles. Ochako gets up from where she landed and takes a step forward. Bakugou gets ready for another fight but she passes out before she can take another step. "Ochako Uraraka is k.o.ed. Katsuki Bakugou moves on to the next round. We will have a small break while we fix the stage."

After the stage was fixed we watched as Kirishima and Tetsutetsu had their arm wrestle. A few minutes of nothing really happening, Kirishima finally won. "Eijiro Kirishima wins the arm wrestle and moves on to the next round." He and Tetsutetsu complimented eachother saying how manly the other was. They walked off the stage already best friends.

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