You knew you were going to come back to Jevil eventually, but you wanted information, you wanted to know more about Jevil, more than 'Oh, he's trapped here'.
You decided to go ask around the castle to your co-workers if they knew about Jevil. You asked multiple ones and found out that not a single one of them bothered to look inside the jail cell, you just figured they were boring people.
You kept a broom close to you in case that Rouxls appeared and saw you not working, which you weren't, but he didn't have to know. You still didn't ask one person, she usually kept everyone updated on all the drama going around the castle and the town, Sidra. The thing is that you didn't see her in any centimeter square of the castle so you deduced that she was using her free time or slacking off. That, or she died, which would be very unfortunate for you. You went to the castle's garden since she would usually slack off there and you found her sitting on a bench looking into the nothingness."Sidra!" You said getting her attention.
She looked at you puzzled. "Are you gonna sweep the flowers with your broom?" She said, you looked at your broom and realized that it was pretty weird having one here so you just threw it to your left, sinking in some bushes.
"No." She looked over to the bushes where you threw it. "Hey, I need gossip" You said, grabbing her by her shoulders and shaking her.
"Woah woah, what?" She got up and put your hands away "What kind of request is that?" She laughed.
"Rouxls told me to clean the basement and there was a prisoner behind a jail cell, what do you know from him?" You asked desperately.
She looked confused "Uhhh, what? I've cleaned that place before and there was no one in that jail cell." She said, you interrupted with a 'but' which you couldn't finish before she kept talking "I was hoping to see something cool inside that jail cell, and believe me I tried to see something but I didn't see anything. I even called out into the cell but no one answered. Did you say you found someone?!" She asked excitedly.
Now that you think about it, if Sidra knew about Jevil everyone would know, so maybe you should've paid attention to Rouxls after all and not tell anyone "Uh. No. Just kidding. It's a prank, haha! Gotcha! April Fools!" You said laughing awkwardly.
"It's the beginning of December" She said bluntly.
"Uh. Pranked" You said and got back to the castle, ignoring what Sidra might've been thinking, you didn't care about the broom either.
Your mind began to wonder. Why doesn't she know about Jevil? Honestly, knowing her she would sound so desperate for knowing what's going on that Jevil just probably ignored her. You thought about the chance of the jail being actually empty back there, but your mind came back with the argument of 'The king wouldn't spent his money on this if it wasn't top priority', so that was another argument into the trash can. You were sitting on a kitchen counter and staring at a wall, disconnecting from reality, thinking on how to proceed with the current situation, you made your sight blurry as it helped with not paying attention to the world happening in front of you, but you couldn't go deaf on account so you did hear a voice appear from nowhere.
"Y/N Y/N!" You heard from below you, you looked down and saw Lancer.
"Oh, hey there fella" You said getting off the counter and coming back to reality.
"Do you know where my dad is?" He asked
"Uhh, your dad or your lesser dad?" You asked since you didn't know which one he was talking about.
"My lesser dad!" He exclaimed.
"Well... Where did you look?" You asked.
"My room!" He said cheerfully, these are the moments where you just wanna kick him, like, you're aware it's a child and it is dumb by definition but oh if you could just punch him.
"Uhm... Alright... Uh.." You said thinking where the hell Rouxls could be. "Ok! Um, let's go to the uh. His store! He might be there!" You said. He answered with a happy 'Ok' and you just led the way to his store, looking behind you every once in a while making sure he didn't wander off.
Eventually you made it there and saw the store closed with a message saying that. You cursed yourself internally and since you weren't in the mood to deal with Lancer, you told him to go play with his motorcycle and realized you could use this as an opportunity to go out without Rouxls counting it as your free time.
You sneaked out of the castle and asked every stranger you could find if they knew about a dangerous prisoner, the results were mixed, some didn't know him at all, some heard about it but that's it, someone knew exactly who you were talking about and refused to talk about it. Basically, the people that knew about him were scared shitless so maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't be with him. You were going to get back to the castle but saw some stranger that you didn't interrogate talking to Sean, you were going to talk to him and ask Sean on the way, but anxiety got to you so you just let that villager buy in peace. For now.
You got back to the castle and realized everyone was on lunch break so you just made a quick sandwich since you were late and weren't going to have time to make food nor eat it so yeah. Lunch break was a calming time for everyone, even the more strict guards were now happily chatting with each other, so you as the menace you were figured 'Hey, you know that guy you were finding out information from the whole day and found out he is most likely a danger to society? Yeah, let's visit him!', so you did. You got to the elevator easily since no one was guarding it and truly no one cared about where the hell you eat.
As you got down and ate your sandwich on the way you quickly remembered the horrible atmosphere this place had, the crowded talking of the castle completely died out as you got down. As the door of the elevators finished opening you stood there for a few minutes stalling for time since you were scared of going down, even though you brought this upon yourself. When you finally finished the sandwich you had no excuse to not go down and your consciense screamed at you to get the fuck down and stop being a chicken, you then answered yourself that chickens are very not cowards but the discussion led nowhere so you just got down thinking about chickens and how stupid the argument of calling someone a chicken is.
As you got down and made eye contact with the jail cell you saw no one inside, a familiar sight. You got down fully and stared at the jail cell for some seconds before speaking up and getting closer.
"Hello?" You said while taking steps forward "It's Y/N!" You exclaimed. You were in front of the cell and didn't hear nor see signs of Jevil "Jevil..?" You asked, looking around.
"Y/N!" Jevil appeared out of nowhere and grasped at the bars once more, you got scared and fell back, getting hurt for the second time today by the same method. "You came back! You came back!" He said cheerfully while you were trying to slow your heartbeat.
"Hell yeah I did" You said, sighing with one hand on your chest. "My god Jevil you scared me to death"
Jevil laughed "But I didn't scare YOU to death, you are alive!" He laughed, putting emphasis on you.
"Ah, you murdered people?" You questioned, not taking the question seriously.
"A jester must do what a jester must do!" A sinister smile remained on his face.

HOW FUN! FUN! (Jevil X Reader) [ON HIATUS]
FanfictionYou are a new servant for the King of Spades in his castle, your job is simple yet boring, you have always found curious that one '???' level in the elevator, one day Rouxls demands you to clean it and you finally see what is down there. -~-~-~-~-~...