40.) On

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Through obligations,
through blizzard-storm.
Through dry-droughts,
on, we go.
until we get back home.

Past waving seas,
past grabbing ivy, flow,
past sticky, sinking-sand seas.
On, on we go.

Even when our hands are bruised and bloody,
when our feet are worn out and burning with ache.
On, on, readily, diligently.
On, on we go, past the lake.

"Oh, what strong will we have"
is something a fool would say.
It is not our will that drags us on, nay nay.
It is the primary element of the universe,
the fabric glue a blessing, a curse!

Bound to it are we, with chains!
Oh, woe, oh madness, unrestrained!
Oh, help me climb my way out, please!
Or watch, as on, I go! Behind the trees!

The longing line of humanity is surely going somewhere,
nowhere is really nowhere,
to an end and then ascension
judgement and descending,
the attention, the tension!

But we cannot escape the axis we will forever be on,
because the axis is made up of immortality.
We exist among immortality,
while we wither away in our mortality.
So on, on, on! Yes, on. On, we go. On, on, on.

As all things, we evolve.
As all things, we move closer to the vacuum that is time.
Ending are our times.
History repeats, yes, history rhymes.

On rhymes with on.
Go rhymes with go.
On until we're gone.
We rise until we go.

Finding the Edge (Volume Two)Where stories live. Discover now