Chapter 2 - Frontier

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Riding back home the tank crew were mostly silent on their way home But were still thinking about the match earlier. A gentle breeze of wind rushed when they were nearing the bay the smell of salt water fills the air and upon that they see a large ship just off the distance, and without a doubt it's their carrier, The Frontier.

Aoi: Ah finally were almost home, I can't wait to tell the others about the match.

Koichi: I just wanna take a nap in my bed

Dusk is setting in as sunlight illuminates the waters, a orange hue radiates the horizon and is a sight like no other. They shortly arrived at the bay where their is carrier is currently docked. They saw several stevedore's loading several crates into the carrier. The crates were filled with food supplies, ammunition, and several other miscellaneous items. Upon which a familiar face stood out from the crowd.

Shu: Hmm?? Oh Kenji your back.

The person was non other than Shu Yoshida, One of the few people who grew up with Kenji and also a commander of a Sherman Firefly

Kenji: Hey Shu, what happened while we were gone

Shu: Well nothing much really, Just same old resupply.

Aoi: Ah, Shu-san!

Aoi was waving at Shu while he's walking towards.

Shu: Yo Aoi.

As Aoi walks up towards as, Shu gave Aoi a pat in the head. Aoi was practically the youngest so giving a Aoi a headpat is basically a given at this point.

Shu: Oh by the way, where's the two trouble makers?

Kenji: Oh they're probably setting the Jackson up on deck so we'll probably meet them up on the carrier. And speaking of trouble makers, how's Thomas?

Shu: Well....

Shu looks down in a disappointed manner.

Kenji: Shu?

Shu: Talk to him Kenji. Your the only who can knock some sense into him, since your the one who saved him from his past.

Kenji let's out a long sigh as he stare up to the sky thinking about what has happened to Thomas, He was so cheerful back then, what has become of him.

Kenji: Fine I'll go talk to him, oh and the rest of your crew?

Shu: Fuji is working on the Firefly and While Ren is at his quarters still fixing his guitar

Kenji: Well we better get up on deck then, Aoi Let's Go!

Aoi: Ah H-hai

Aoi waves goodbye to Shu as they went up to the Frontier they see tanks lined up on the deck strapped down to not let the tanks move to much when the carrier sways because of large waves. The carrier has no room to fit all 8 tanks down the lower decks so they improvised, setting the tanks on the runway. I mean they fit but they made all the extra precautions to be let the tanks not wobble around even replacing the concrete on the runway. There were at least 33 people aboard the Frontier and all of them helps out on the maintenance of the ship, they cycle through different jobs, like fixing the engines, helping out on the bridge, or transferring cargo.

As Kenji was walking through the tanks along with Aoi, they met up with the crew of the two M18 Hellcats.

Tsuji: Ah Kenji ni-san your back!

Upon hearing Tsuji, the rest of the Hellcats tank crew perked up as they ran towards Kenji.

Kenji: Woah slow down you guys, we were only gone for a whole day.

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