𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖

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You threw your pencil and calculator in your bag, getting ready to leave class. You had just taken your last final of the semester. You walked to your professors desk, handing him your exam.

Erwin : Have a good break
You : Same to you professor

You gave him a smile then walked out of the room. You quickly walked to your dorm to finish packing.

As you were zipping up your suitcase, there was a knock at the door. When you opened it there stood Eren.

Eren : Ready?
You : Yup

You jogged over to your bed, grabbing your suitcase and purse. Eren carried your suitcase while you followed behind. You walked up to a SUV you hadn't seen him with before.

damn these people are RICH.

You walked over to the back seat attempting to get it but Eren stopped you.

Eren : Sit up front

Without protest, you walked to the passenger seat.

You : Hey guys

You said as you sat down. Both Mikasa and Armin were bundled up in blankets. It was cold out but not THAT cold.

You : You guys are so so dramatic.
Mikasa : It should never be this cold in WR

You giggled while buckling your seat belt. Eventually Eren came in the car and once everyone was situated the long drive began.

After a 3 and a half hour drive you pulled up to a large home. It looked to have at least 4 rooms.

Eren : Alright Mikasa. This is you.
Mikasa : Thanks

She took out her belongings and then disappeared into the large home. The drive began again but came to a stop less than 5 minutes later. You pulled up to yet another house. It was slightly smaller than Mikasa's but was still large.

Armin : Alright thanks

He exited the car with just a small duffel in hand. The drive resumed once again but it wasn't long before the car came to a stop. This time the house was much larger than the 2 you previously saw.

A breathless "wow" left your lips as you look at the house out the window. Eren couldn't help but to smile at your reaction.

Eren : Alright let's go.

You stepped out the car, grabbing your purse. You waited on Eren to gather the bags and he met you at the door.  As his hand went to unlock the door you grabbed his wrist.

Eren :  What
You : I'm nervous
Eren : They don't bite. Well maybe my brother. But I'll make sure he doesn't get to you
You : Fine

You whispered and Eren fully opened the door to allow you to step in. The inside was even more impressive than the outside. It didn't take long before you were snapped out your thoughts by a woman talking.

??? : Eren? Is that you honey?

A beautiful woman with blonde hair come over to you guy, greeting Eren with a hug.

??? : And you must be——
You : Y/n
??? : What a lovely name
Eren : Y/n this is my step mom, Dina
You : Oh nice to meet you
Dina : Let me go get Zeke. Give me a minute


Your heart dropped to your stomach when hearing his name.

there is more than one zeke in shiganshina right?....RIGHT?

In a short moment a tall man with short blonde hair, a scruffy beard, and glasses walked over to you and Eren with the woman.

shit. shit. shit.

Eren : This is my brother Zeke.  Zeke this is my girl- my friend Y/n.
You : N- Nice to meet you
Zeke : Same to you

Dina could sense a bit of tension in the room so she decided to speak up.

Dina : Eren honey could you please run to the store for me. I'm all out of butter.
Eren : Why can't Zeke do it.
Dina : His car was totaled and your car isn't in the garage yet so I think it's best if you go. Don't worry about Y/n I'll show her around and make sure that she gets settled in.
Eren : Fine

He scoffed then left the house.

Dina : You can leave your bags down here. I'll give you a tour.

You followed behind her as she showed you around. This was truly a beautiful home. As the both of you walked up the stairs the conversation shifted to a topic other than the house.

Dina : You're the first girl that Eren has every brought home.
You : He's just being nice. He didn't want me staying on campus.
Dina : Eren isn't nice and I'm sure you know that. You're a very nice and beautiful young lady. So I don't think he was just being nice
You : Thank you

She hummed in response, switching the topic yet again.

Dina : It seems you're already familiar with Zeke

Your words got caught in your throat. How could she have known.

Dina : You look quite familiar as well. Are you related to a girl named Aya?
You : Yeah. She's my sister
Dina : Really? How is she doing? I haven't seen her in a while.
You : Well uh she moved to Marley about 3 years ago. She's good though
Dina : That's good to hear.

You guys stopped in front of a door at the end of the hallway.

Dina : This is your room unless you were planning on staying with Eren. In that case you always have a room of your own to run to when Eren is being...well Eren.
You : Thank you. Oh and can you not tell Eren about my sister or the me knowing Zeke thing.
Dina : You have my word.

And with that she left you alone with your thoughts.

zeke is here. eren is here. how did i not know? how did i not put 2 and 2 together? they're related. and they're brothers.

I fucked brothers

Thank y'all for 25k reads

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Thank y'all for 25k reads. Holy shit. I might double update today.

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