Chapter 7 {Beasts in the sky}

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"Oh, Lion Goddess, I, King of the Arusians, formally beg your forgiveness. Please have mercy on us and accept our traditional Dance of Apology as atonement for our wrongdoings." The King says then claps his hands.

Then a female arusian came in front of both of us in a pose.

"Commence Dance of Apology! Hoorah!" The King announced as other arusians cheer.

Music then starts playing as the arusian starts dancing. 

"Please you don't need to do this." I say pleadingly.

"Halt!" The king says as everyone become silent. "The Lion Goddess has refused the Apology. Begin the sacrificial fire!" The King ordered as they started the fire almost throwing one of their own in.

Me.. be me. Forgot about this part in the episode and started freaking out. "NO! Please don't do that! Continue with the dance!" I pleading they would stop as the others behind me are shocked by my out burst.

As told, the King ordered to started the dance again as the music began.

Soon after the dance was done, I mentally prepared myself for a speech. "Please raise, there is no need for this." I start.

"Thank you for that, but I am not a great being worthy of your worship. I- ... we accidentally put you all in danger. (Arusians gasp) It is I who should be apologizing to you. I am (Y/N) and these are the Voltron Paladins. Although we originally came from different worlds... and have very, very, very different traditions, we wish to live alongside you as friends."

"But the mighty robotic angel... has it not come to destroy us because of our immoral ways?" The King asks.

"Voltron? No. In fact, that mighty robot is here to protect you. Let it be known that Voltron will protect every innocent being throughout the universe!" I say.

The arusians then cheer and many tackle me in a hug. "Ahhh!!" I scream as I fall to the ground.

The arusians and I laugh together as I look over at Keith being hugged by an arusian.

"I don't usually hug strangers, but, uh... Man, you are cuddly." I hear Keith admit.

"Thank you." The arusian says in a deep voice surprising Keith.

The arusians then release me from their grasps and I walk over to Keith. "That was fun wasn't it?" I ask then laughing a little.


When (Y/N) finished with her speech, arusians
tackled her to the ground with hugs.

I watched as she laughed and smiled as the Arusians put a flower crown on her and played with her hair.

'Man, that must hurt being tackled to the ground, but her smile looks so beautiful- SNAP OUT OF IT KEITH YOU BARELY KNOW HER'

Suddenly out of no where an Arusian hugs my waist. "I don't usually hug strangers, but, uh... Man, you are cuddly." I say.

"Thank you." The arusian thanks me in a deep voice that surprises me.

The arusian let's me go and then walks off to who no's where when I hear footsteps behind me.

"Well wasn't that nice." (Y/N) says smiling as I turn to face her.

'Wow, look at that smile- FOCUS!' I mentally scream at myself. "Yea."

Suddenly I hear Shiro on the coms. "What's going on?"

The ground then shakes as I look up seeing something coming through Arus's atmosphere.
"Oh, no. We gotta get to our lions!"

"Everyone get inside and stay down!" Allura commands.

"I'm on it!" I hear Hunk say as he hurries off with the arusians.

"Not you!" I grab Hunk by the back of his collar and he starts whining.


Everyone run to their lions and Allura goes back to the castle as I stand there thinking of what to do. "I'm going to stay here and get the arusians to safety."


"No Allura, I don't have a lion pilot or or a duty at the castle where I'm useless, but here I can help." I say in a serious tone.

Allura nodes and runs off leaving me behind. "Arusians." I say in a loud voice catching everyone's attention.

"I know all of you are scared in this situation, but Voltron will help save you. In the mean while we shall find a safe hiding spot."

Everyone cheers as I lead them through the village. We find a large cave to hide out in while the Paladins figure out what's happening.

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