4 | Karaoke Krazy

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Photo of Ruby on the side :) she's such a sarcastic, fun loving bitch omg I can't XD vote for this chapter if you'd want her as a friend lol I know I would! I'm going to start doing author notes at the end of chapters as well, starting with this one. Happy reading!


Sierra's POV

"So, what are some fun things to do around here?" I asked Juliet, lazily spinning a strand of my thick brown hair around my finger.

We were both sprawled on my bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking of things to do. I had invited Ruby to stay the night as well, and she'd said that she would be over in 5 minutes and that we had better have something fun planned.

Five minutes later, Jules and I hadn't come up with a single thing.

"Ugh, I don't know. The board walk near West Coast is pretty fun. There's a few cute shops, and some fun diners. We could take a walk down there and see what we find," she suggested. I nodded, thinking it over.

"Yeah, and maybe -"

"Holy fuck, I'm goING TO KILL DANIEL!" Ruby screeched, the adjoining door to our rooms bursting open. I jumped from the bed, breathing heavily. And no, not because she mentioned his name. Although possibly that was part of it.

"What the hell Ruby? You scared the - oh." Juliet's words had summed up my reaction perfectly.

Ruby was soaking wet from head to toe, her makeup running down her face. Her clothes were baggy and dripping water all over my floor.

She looked like she was about to murder someone.

And, by the sound of her outburst, most likely Daniel.

"Oh, you poor baby!" I cooed, rushing to get a towel from my bathroom. Ruby took it gratefully, the murderous glint in her eyes shinning brightly.

"What happened?" Juliet asked her, removing the multiated makeup from her face.

"Daniel happened. He rigged a dumb bucket filled with water and ice above my door. Just as I was about to go to the drink bar and buy us all smoothies, I got hit with the water," Ruby explained as Juliet finished up cleaning her face.

"That sucks ass," I sympathized. The boy was a prankster, no doubt.

But a cute one. My mind called.

Well, conscience, you can go fuck yourself.

"We need to get him back!" Juliet said determinedly.

"Yeah, we do!" I seconded her notion by giving Jules a high five. We laughed, then looked down at Ruby, wrapped in one of my pink towels and sitting on the bed.

"What should we do to get back at him?" Ruby wondered aloud, getting up and wandering into her room. She began to change into a dry outfit as we brainstormed.

"Does he have any mortal fears?" I asked Ruby, a devious expression on my face. She thought for a moment as she yanked on some white skinny jeans, then her face lit up.

"Daniel does have an irrational fear of spiders," Ruby said gleefully, tugging on a red v-neck.

"Perfect! But... where do we get a bunch of spiders at 8:45 at night?" I asked the two girls.

"Ah, that's where I come in. My friend, Cat, works at a pet shop. She's told me that she's the one who has to feed the creepy crawlers to the animals. I think they close at 9:00 on weekends, so we gotta hurry if we're gonna make it there on time!" Ruby and I nodded determimdly.

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