WM 31!

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In my opinion it was one of the greatest, maybe the greatest WrestleMania of all time.

(The media is my reaction to when Seth won the title. I know, I'm young).

The Tag Team match was pretty good but it was hard to keep up with who was in. The result was okay, but really! One of the USOs got injured in the first 30 seconds of the match and didnt come back from getting thrown into the barricade.

The Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal was good, but seriously! Big Show wins! Mizdow should've won or at least Ryback.

The IC title match was great but wasn't it supposed to be a Dean Ambrose moment? Dean should've won! I'm fine with Bryan winning it but he won with a headbutt. SERIOUSLY!

Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton was a great match but really! Orton wins...again! GIVE SETH AT LEAST A FEW MORE WINS! I respect Orton, but he's OP (overpowered). The Curb Stomp into an RKO was good but like WWEAndrewX was saying, it would be better if they used the Phoenix Splash into an RKO.

Triple H vs Sting was amazing! But who said it was no DQ? They used sledge hammers, baseball bats, and NWO and DX! DX and NWO came back! It was a great match but shouldn't Sting win!?

The Divas Tag Team match was OK but AJ was off the apron and wasn't in at all! Only for like a minute. She was out of the match not tagged in but had more damage done to her than Paige.

Cena vs Rusev was pretty good. They brawled back and forth...SPRINGBOARD STUNNER!? I couldn't believe my eyes! Cena winning was best for business.

Undertaker vs Bray Wyatt was a great match, but Bray definitely had a fail that will go into the top 5 fails of all time. He was supposed to flip over the steel steps, but he crashed into it and injured his leg, I was like WAT DA HEYL!

Roman vs Brock was a good match, but they could've made it longer before Seth cashed in. It was only a 20 minute main event of WM. The match was amazing! Suplex city bitch. Lesnar dominated and I couldn't believe it. Seth cashed in! It was the greatest part of the show which made it awesome. I watched many videos of their reactions and they all screamed and went wild when Seth cashed in and won. I loved the outcome so much I made a WWE toy animation about it and posted it on Instagram. I also have my reaction and bookmarked the video and watch it 5 times a day and every time it still is filled with excitement. I probably will never forget it.

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