{ twenty-six } to stay

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[TW: Mentions and descriptions of death, violence, blood, and gore. Please be aware before reading.]

|Year 850|The year of familiar tragedy

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|Year 850|
The year of familiar tragedy.

      HIS HANDS WERE TIED, bound together by white gauze that restricted any movements from his fingers. There was a metal gag. A bar thick enough to keep him from using his mouth. His arms were raised individually on either side of his body. His wrists were cuffed by metal shackles that connected to long chains attached to the ceiling—if he could call it that.

      Shit. Whoever built this place seemed to know a lot about how to prevent him, or anyone, from using his Titan abilities.

      Struggling did close to nothing when he felt the chain wrapped around his waist hold him in place. The place was bright, and it almost looked like it was made of glass from how much light it reflected. He was shirtless as well, but his foggy memory did nothing to tell him how he'd ended up that way– or here, for that matter.

      The last thing he remembered clearly was feeling a prick in his neck before he passed out inside the wagon in Trost. Wherever he was, was obviously not Trost. He couldn't even be sure he was in a real building, not with this abstract architecture, to say the least.

      "Eren, you're awake?" Historia walked closer to where he was chained, but the platform he was on was much higher than where she stood below. Eren remembered him and Historia being kidnapped in that wagon, so why was he the only one chained? "Just hang in there a while longer. Everything's fine."

      Eren couldn't help but disagree. But, if his comrade was fine, she'd help him out of his restraints and they could return to the Scouts.

      "Eren, listen to me," Eren looked down at Historia. "My father has been an ally to all of humanity within the walls, for many years past and many years to come. We were clearly mistaken about him!" Eren furrowed his eyebrows skeptically, but he didn't argue. "It's true that he's been a problem for the Scouts, and his people, along with some others, did kill Pastor Nick, but he didn't have any other choice. Everything he's done, he had to do for the sake of humanity!"

      "Historia, let me explain the rest." As soon as Lord Reiss stepped out from further back in the gigantic cove, Eren's hazy memories of his transfer into this space returned in bits and pieces.

       How long has it been? He could remember Reiss hugging his daughter as he blubbered his apologies over and over again. His hands were tied then, too, as well as his feet, and his mouth was gagged by a rough cloth. Captain, Faith–everyone. What happened to the Scouts? Eren's tired eyes raised to analyze the plethora of crystal-like pillars that were placed strategically in a staggered pattern.

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