Y/n's POV:
I felt the slowly setting sun brush along my cheek as flew across the field, wind in my back. I kept an extra firm grip on my broom with the help of my leather gloves, twisting them around once. Squinting my eyes to keep the sun rays from my view, I turned my head as I felt something small whisk right by my ear, skin pricking under the cold afternoon.
The wind whistled its way through my ponytail, causing it to knott further as it flew in all directions behind me. But I didn't even care that it was in my face half of the time, I was having way too much fun to focus on that.
Bolting past Cedric on my crappy wooden broom, I kept my eyes glued to the small golden ball whizzing around the field, making me grow a bit dizzy after a while from whipped my head around so much.
I was breathing adrenaline instead of air, on some kind of flyer's high as I finally caught eye of the snitch. Racing after it when it had already begun to speed away, I caught sight of a familiar pair of yellow Quidditch robes flying around in the wind beside me. Crap, I'd thought, he's catching up.
Making an unexpected turn to throw him of my trail, I circled back just in time to see that the golden globe hadn't flown so far as I'd expected. Not letting the moment slip by in small celebration, I accelerated further. I made moves fast just enough to not plummet to my dead as I had finally caught the snitch by its small flapping wings, clutching it tightly in my fist.
Now finally having the time to announce my victory, I pumped my clutched fist into the air as I'd heard Lee and Lynn whoop in celebration from a bit away. They'd supposedly come to cheer us on but I think Cedric and I both knew they where here to see us on our 'date', as they called it.
"Damn it, Y/n!" Fred groaned, dropping to the ground in defeat. "Do you always have to be so bloody fast?" He huffed. He was always such a sore looser.
George let out an amused chuckle as I flipped my hair over my shoulder with a smug smile on my face. "I guess I'm just more naturally gifted than you are." I teased, grinning at him wildly.
"I don't know what you're so worried about, Y/n, you're definitely going to beat Harry and his team." Cedric complimented, shooting me a small smile that made my heart skip a beat.
I had confided in Cedric about the situation with Harry after a while, as he was quick to notice my change in mood and to ask me about it. I didn't want to mention anything that happened with Oliver or Flint, so I'd just based it all on my desire to win against Gryffindor. Which was particularly true, but not the entire story. But technically, I wasn't even lying to him. I was just... not telling the full truth.
I knew what Cedric was going to say if I told him about it, and to be honest - I didn't want to hear it. He wasn't normally the best at giving advice with these situations, always trying to problem solve instead of hearing me out or just letting me complain for the sake of relief.
"Yeah, we did bloody fantastic." George said as he grinned at me like a proud brother, lifting his hand up into the air for me to slap in a celebratory high-five.
"Good job you guys!" Lynn smiled as Lee whooped at us again, standing up from their seats to give all of us high-fives. Fred didn't bother giving much of a high-five, instead pityfully tapping his hand as he walked by.
"Cheer up, mate." George put an arm over his brother's shoulder. "I'm sure you'll win some time... ten years from now." He teased.
"Shove off!" Fred grumbled, pushing his brother's arm off of him, sitting down next to Lynn as he continued to pout.
"Lynn, go ahead and kiss him would you? That might cheer him up." I hoked, sending them a teasing wink as I leaned my broom against the stands.
"What?!" They shreeked, already fumbling with their words. They where getting even worse at hiding their feelings for Fred than I was at Potions. And that was not an easy thing to beat.
"No I don't- I wouldn't..." They looked over at Fred's ever-growing smug face, him placing his chin in his palm as he stared at them with a look of love in his eyes. "I mean- I don't... But not like- fuck I don't know!" They threw their arms up in frustration, Lee letting out a short snort. Lynn quickly sent a glare in his direction.
"Well, if you're going to be so weird about it!" I pretended to roll my eyes in annoyance, grabbing my broom to walk away as Cedric followed behind me.
"It's not- I'm don't-" I heard Lynn try to protest, but eventually giving up and buried their face in their hands, groaning in frustration. I heard George and Lee begin to histerically laugh at their fumbling. Fred had an adoring look in his eyes, wrapping a comforting arm around them and gave them side hug as the others continued to tease the two.
"What's their situation?" Cedric asked with a small chuckle, pointing towards Lynn and Fred as he distracted them with another one of his weird jokes. Lynn, naturally, laughing along with it.
"They've basically been in love with eachother for the past three years, but they're both so blind it's infuriating." I complained, running hands over my eyes in dramatic fashion.
"I can see that." Cedric laughed again.
Ever since Cedric offered to help me practice last week, it had been all we could ever find ourselves doing. Even if it was just simple things, like practically our flying or our dodges, we did it almost every day. My muscles had begun to hurt after a while from all the training we'd been doing, but I still continued to go. I guess I'd used it as an excuse to see his face more often, even if we shared quite a few classes together.
But he'd seemed almost hesitant about something everytime we where alone together.
"So, what're you planning on doing this weekend?" I asked casually, pulling my normal clothes out of my locker after I'd put away my broom.
"I was thinking of going into Hogsmede and grabbing a few early Christmas gifts, for family and things." He said. "Maybe grab a butterbeer afterwards, I'm not sure."
"Yeah, I should probably get started on my gifts to. It might take a while for me to figure out what to get everyone." I forced out a small chuckle, hoping to break the noticeable tension between us soon. Things had been growing progressively awkward these past few weeks.
"Yeah uhm... you do that." Cedric replied blandly. How the Merlin was I supposed to respond to that?
I paused, waiting for him to add something to hopefully keep the conversation going, but soon realised it wasn't coming. "Okay, well... then I might as well go get changed." I pointed towards the double doors with the sign in them saying 'ladies'. "I'll see you at Breakfast."
He nodded, not bothering to respond as he walked away.
I didn't know what was up with him either lately. Where all guys I where talking to at the moment going through some kind of confusing stage? Why can't people just be blunt with me and say what needs to be said?! I groaned in frustration, accidentally slamming open the double door and wincing at the noise, but thankful no-one was around to hear it.
I quickly got changed, pulling out my ponytail and fixing the laces on my shoes with a double knott before I headed to my dorm room. Might as well get on top of that Herbology homework, I thought.
A/n: Hey guys :)
Sorry it's been a while, I haven't been having the best two weeks of my life recently and have been in a bit of a writing slump. But I'm finally starting to feel alot better now, don't worry! xx
I know this isn't the most eventful chapter, but I need to plant some small seeds for that drama later on, promise ;) You'll get to see more of Oliver hopefully in the next chapter.
Love you all loads, and I hope you guys have a great week/weekend! <33
- unedited -

Our Entangled Lives // Oliver Wood
FanfictionCOMPLETED {Slowburn friends to rivals to lovers} During their first year at Hogwarts, Y/n and Oliver where inseparable. They did almost everything together. But after an unknown incident in their second year - things where never the same. Forced to...