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YN's POV In The Morning.
I wake up to see gigi in my arm
"Ahhhh you won" i say as she lets out a giggle "Of course You remember the consequences don't you?"
she says

"Goodnight L/N" Gigi says "Too" i reply with a yawn "What about this the second to wake up tomorrow gets to buy pizza for the meal" I say
"Sounds fun lets do it" She replies.

Some time later the pizza arrived and we had our
meal and talked for some time,We talked about ourselves and WWE and how we were when we first met
and about the toxic attraction until a question came into my mind "Why don't you hang out with toxic
attraction sometimes?" She reply "It's more fun with you guys so.." i smile to her and we decide to watch
another movie

In The Evening Gigi's POV
We both fell asleep while watching the movie and Y/N was
still asleep and i had to go to NXT 2.0 Tonight so i decided to take a shower and head off.

I woke up knowing that gigi might have left off to tonight's show so i text her "I'll be making dinner for you"
Cause we decided to eat my food after she came back i cooked rice and ordered some chicken legs she
won't know anyway that i didn't some and fried omelette and made her favourite soup. After things were
ready i just had to wait for her so i played minecraft to pass some time.

A/N -♣

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