Chapter 9~ Down To Six

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(Cometgazer's POV)

Cometgazer grinned.

There's no way Autumn could survive The Shadow. It will kill her, and then... With her gone, her Ladyship can finally have her revenge.

Shadowcreeper's shrieks echoed around moss covered cliffs as he was pulled away. 

The undergrowth rustled.

Then there was silence.

For a few minutes there was entirely nothing. Just the sound of waves and dragonet's fearful breathing.

Then a scream and a loud "NO!" Split the night air.

Silversecret gulped.


Autumn watched in horror as Shadowcreeper's body hit the ground with a thud.

The shadow sighed and turned to face her.

Well, now that is dealt with, who's next?




Autumn struggled to get free, but it was no use.

The monster reached out and grabbed her with a clawed hand, and the vines loosened.

"No. No!"

Autumn screamed.

At that very second, Silversecret burst through the trees, clawing the shadow.

The shadow released Autumn, and she dug her talons into the dark monster.

Autumn made it blind in one eye.

The shadow broke her arm.

In the end, Silversecret killed it.

They stood, panting, beside the monster.

"Well." Autumn muttered, wincing at the pain in her arm. "That was fun."

Silversecret rolled her eyes.

They made their way out of the forest slowly, with Autumn limping.

When they emerged, Horse Manure, Dusk, Eclipse and Cometgazer stared at them.

A flash of anger crossed Cometgazer's face, but Autumn must have imagined it.

"Shadowcreeper?..." Dusk asked.

Autumn and Silversecret shook their heads slowly.

"Down to six." Cometgazer murmured.

"Indeed." Silversecret muttered glumly.

"Well, we have to stay here for even longer now, thanks to The Freak." Horse Manure snorted, glaring at Autumn.

Autumn's anger boiled.

"Why is she even here? We don't NEED her. What does she know about Hopeseeker anyways?" He continued.

That's it.

"She's useless. What can she even do? Get us all kill-"

"THAT'S IT!" Autumn roared.

Horse Manure stared at her.

"I'm SICK of you disrespecting me. So WHAT if I'm different? That doesn't make me useless, stupid or a freak! It makes YOU a bully. If you disrespect me one more time, I WILL-"

Autumn stopped.

I nearly threatened to kill him!

"You'll what?" Horse Manure mocked. "Kill me?"

Autumn growled.

"Oh dear, please, somebody help me! I'm being murdered by a freak!"

Autumn snarled and lunged at Earthquake.

He squealed like a frightened pig, clearly not expecting this.

At the last second, Autumn stopped herself, smirking as Earthquake scrambled away, still squealing.

Silversecret and Dusk laughed.

"It's not funny!" Earthquake whined, glaring at them. 

"It was definitely funny." Dusk snorted.

Earthquake growled and glared at Autumn.

I take back what I thought. I definitely want to get rid of Horse Manure.

Autumn realised that Cometgazer had never laughed, never called Earthquake 'Horse Manure' and usually supported Earthquake.

I wonder if there is something between them...

She grinned.

Autumn sat on guard while the other dragonets slept.

A few hours later, Dusk swapped with her, and Autumn fell into a night of nightmares.


Futuresight paced in front of Princess Starwing.

His claws clicked on the wood below him.

"What am I supposed to do?" Futuresight cried. "My son is missing and-"

"Calm down, Futuresight." The Princess muttered.



Futuresight fumed.

"We've sent a search party-"

"Of dragonets."

"Of Hopeseeker's closest friends." The Princess finished.

"He has friends?"


"And who are these friends?" Futuresight growled.

"Cometgazer. Dusk. Silversecret." The Princess listed Hopeseeker's friends. "Earthquake. And you know Eclipse-"

"So most of his friends are girls?"


"Any others?"

"Yes. Autumn." The Princess told him.


It took a while for Futuresight to register this.


"Whatever do you mean?" Princess Starwing asked.

"She's a murderer. Remember your mother's youngest son?"

The Princess stared at him.

"That... That was her?"


"How do you know?"

"I- I'm her uncles brother."

"So that means-"

"They are cousins. Yes."

"Tell me everything."

"She has to kill every three months. If I am correct, she has five weeks and three days until she has to kill again."

The Princess gasped.

"Iv'e just sent a murderer to find Hopeseeker."


Sorry for the short chapter-


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